February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1881: Wait A Minute Chester! (or, After Parihaka)

June 29, 2019


It’s become a regular repetitive refrain that history revisionists such as the Race Relations Commission preface their propaganda with. “Know your history – Kimihia ō kōrero tuku iho”….

“Chester Borrows: Learn your history, no matter how unpalatable it might be”- 1/June/2018, NZ Herald

Perhaps Borrows in this piece is interviewing for a seat on some commission or trust or other?

UPDATE: Well, you don’t need a political science degree when you’re an Anarchist do you? That’s exactly what Borrows’ come-to-Māori-Jesus moment in May/June 2018 was about.

“Perhaps Borrows in this piece is interviewing for a seat on some commission or trust or other?”- Anarchist History NZ, 4th June 2018

Former National MP Chester Borrows to head justice reform group“- NZherald 12 Jul, 2018

Anarchist scepticism is never misplaced.

Best known to us as a Bible and Beat (ie Police advocate, ex-cop) MP and Minister from John Key’s government, National 5.0. Chester was a heroic figure to Christians who wanted to assault their children and call it smacking. More recently, he was transitioned out of circulation by Government using a ridiculous frame-up. A protester named Treadwell (and another) made a criminal complaint of careless driving, that Chester had run over them in his car. Utter balderdash, but if They want you out you’re out…

Anyway, last week year Chester apparently became inspired and socialised at Parihaka. Now he’s reciting the usual made-up stories…

“They just pinched it, so Maori asserted their ownership by taking down fences and ploughing roads and fields.”

Murderous terrorists were driven back from invasion at great expense by Maoris and Settlers, their power base seized. In response, some later cultists wreaked sabotage on settlers and their livelihood.

“The people had farmed the land and sold produce to immigrants..”

They were not immigrants, they were Settlers.

“Women were raped by the forces..”

As much an invention as the story of the women pretending to be run over by Minister Borrows. Has he learned nothing?

“…men arrested and taken off in their hundreds. They were held without trial and then sent to several sites in the South Island where they were locked in caves, forced to work in conditions so dreadful that many died.”

The Prisoners of War became Wards of the State in the same New Zealand prison system serving every other New Zealander. It was hard labour, punitive nasty stuff and even dangerous work and hard living. Even so, out of the “hundreds” only 18 Maoris died but that was of the usual enemy: tuberculosis.

The hooey Burrows is regurgitating here is the old story that Parihaka prisoners from 1881 built Dunedin’s Anderson’s Bay Caseway in 1872. With a time machine?

As Burrows thoughtlessly alleges, tiny storage caves on the old site are supposed to have held the men although they were in fact held securely at Dunedin jail which was only a short walk around the bay away.

This is the same lie used to summon The Waitangi Tribunal’s mandate into being. I never thought I’d have to debunk it though- I thought people stopped telling these particular lies and had gone back to the drawing board!

Two weeks ago One year ago I visited the Rongo monument at Anderson’s Bay and took these pictures and looked for the remains of the caves and time machine..

“..not for their faith because they professed Christianity, the same faith as the armed constabulary and the politicians giving the orders.”

Far from it, Chester! The Parihaka Cult was a short-lived spin-off of Old Testament Judaism and the in-crisis remnants of the Maori witchdoctor caste. The Rongo monument (1987) doesn’t literally say much but it does reference the loopy conviction that they are descendent of nomadic desert stone-age Jews from the Middle East. The idea they were Christian is simply propaganda tailored to dupes like ex-politicians.

Above all I find it supremely ironic¹ that a former Minister who has so recently been attacked and rejected by such tactics and lies has himself been turned. Chester has seemingly been turned and is joining a new little faction to make up for the loss of his old Police and National Party tribe. He is now one of the winging Victimhood Culture set, throwing his historical Ministerial counterparts Bryce and Rolleston to the sharks just as was done to himself.

It’s pathetic to see someone so desperate for political power that he will pick up or drop any cause to pursue it. In 2019, Chester Borrows is in the headlines as head of Andrew Little’s Safe and Effective Justice advisory group. (Here we go again, New Zealand’s constant pendulum between liberal and controlling toward its prisoners. More about that later.)

1 Along with the Hit-and-run-Hollywood woman’s name is ‘Treadwell’ or that the ‘Rongo’ stone is so Wrong’o…

Image ref. Andersons Bay; Google street view
Image ref. AHNZ photos, May 2018
Image ref. Chester; Nats Youtube (2007)

Update 2020: “Borrows, chair of Te Uepū Hāpai i te Ora, is the first to admit he’d hoped things would have moved faster…Borrows did think one of the greatest achievements of the past three years had been starting the conversation…Little doesn’t apologise for how long it’s taken to get to this point….For now, as Borrows said, it is a game of wait and see.”- Justice reform slow off the blocks; Newsroom

Note: All this sound and fury cost the taxpayer at least “$1.63 million on its criminal justice summit, including almost $1 million on consultants.”; Ref. Justice summit costs an unexpected $1.63m

Ref. “Safe and Effective Justice Advisory Group”; NZB3


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.- P J O'Rourke