February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1907: Plunket

May 1, 2019


Sir Truby King our hard-core, old school, K-selected, Dignity Culture, Master Race, pre/post-WW1, celebrity cultural midwife.

Wanted to save and propagate a strong zombie force of Kiwis with healthy bodies and indoctrinated brains.

Trubybots and their King

Therefore, King set up The Plunket Society est.1907

The name comes from one of the society women to whom it was fashionable to morally and financially back the old man: The Governor’s Wife herself.

Later, King’s work became part of a state programme. The result which horrifies me the most is the necessary severing of parent/child attachment. For example, separation of mother and child in Maternity Homes where instead of being ‘skin on skin’ or even close to mother, babies were sorted like mail and wheeled around in carts like milk bottles by nurses (Trubybots.)

How to Raise Anarchist Children

Lord Plunket and Truby-King needed to see the following video 100 years ago. A baby’s attachment needs are thwarted when they are separated from their primary caregiver (aka mother) to be treated as luggage by the baggage handlers we called nurses.

Certainly not how our Colonial forebears cared for their babies, and not what we do now either. We know better, most of us. But for a span of years, c.1920s-1970s, New Zealander newborn babies were kept away from their mothers in separate nurseries in hospitals.

Look here for the reasons for The Silent Generation, and for the root cause of the equal and opposite reaction that was Generation Me/The Baby Boomers. Newborn babies were kept away from their mothers in separate nurseries in hospitals until the 1960s and 1970s!

The average age of business owners in NZ is in the late 60s/early 70s bracket. Boomers avariciously hold so much real estate, capital, and just plain power! Ever wonder why that is?

They had to attach to ‘stuff’ because the 2 minute experience in this video was their parent’s whole babyhood and childhood. Because the Trubybots complied, because their King advocated it, because Mrs Plunket and her social circle embraced it, because The State legislated it,…..

The Silent were a traumatised generation, taxed and regulated and traumatised further by two world wars beyond their control or understanding. They voted for maternal ‘cradle to grave’ Governments and saw in their leaders and radio personalities the ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle‘ connection figure stolen from their youth¹.

Eugenics New Zealand

Some consolation: We were not as bad as Weimar Germany, they 10x’ed the whole programme as everybody knows.

What Truby King did to New Zealand was also enthusiastically being done around the world. If it had not been him, some other monster would have risen to do history’s bidding.

With Supreme Court approval, the USA….”sterilized over 70,000 “inferior” Americans. One of their justifications for sterilizing someone was “feeble-mindedness,” which could be applied to anyone. For instance, unwed mothers were feeble-minded.” says researcher, Dave Hitt.

“There is an impressive list of celebrities who eagerly promoted it. Eugenics was invented by a cousin of Darwin. (Darwin hated it and distanced himself from it.) Teddy Roosevelt thought eugenics was an important and wonderful idea. H. G. Wells was a big fan. So was Alexander Graham Bell and his good friend, Hellen Keller.”

Research eugenics and you will run into Progressives at every turn. “They absolutely *loved* the theory, and they didn’t just talk about it, they put it into action.”- Dave Hitt

See also the earlier post about that arch progressive, George Bernard Shaw. And if you can bear it, this terrifying video of the sort of thing he was telling approving New Zealanders.

And our Government History website agrees….

“Plunket Society, had been founded by the renowned health reformer Frederic Truby King, whose strong eugenic beliefs helped set the public health agenda in the 1920s. He urged New Zealanders to do all they could to breed an ‘Imperial race’ and condemned birth control and abortion as instruments of ‘race suicide’.

Truby King was also a member of the 1924–25 Committee of Inquiry into Mental Defectives and Sexual Offenders, whose report concluded that the ‘unchecked multiplication of the feeble-minded and epileptic’ was causing ‘the serious deterioration of the race’ and was ‘a most serious menace to the future welfare and happiness of the Dominion’. Among its recommendations were the compulsory segregation and sterilisation of ‘incurable’ mental defectives.”- Nzhistory.govt.nz

Finally, please take a look at this dramatic clip from a fine film,  Judgement at Nuremberg (1961)….

[That’s a young William Shatner in the lower left corner. You should check out this movie, it’s great]

Are the Progressives sinister? Not within the worldview of the majority of our society who do not believe in individualism. As they see it, you’re either a protector or the protected but everyone is in a giant co-dependent relationship. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one, they say.

It could only be sinister to the point of view that we are sovereign individuals with the right to life not fodder for the collective. Truby King and the Plunket people belong to Victimhood Culture. They were, and are, absolutely convinced of anti-individualism and that they are righteous.

This post is available as a podcast. Listen here.

More often than not, slaughtered at Gallipoli

Image ref Sir Frederick Truby King; Alexander Turnbull Library; Modified by AHNZ for rip repair

Note: King held the meeting which led to the founding of the society on 14 May 1907, in Dunedin; Wiki

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: It is not by confining one's neighbor that one is convinced of one's own sanity- Dostoievsky