February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1912: A Bazaar Permission Slip

June 28, 2019


When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first thing to be bought and sold are legislators.‘ So it always has been.

Archives New Zealand have been regularly posting permission requests like this one from the public asking The State if they can please organise themselves socially in such benign ways as holding a raffle. Makes your Anarchist blood boil doesn’t it?

In this instance (June 28th, 1912) such a request is like asking Dad to sign your permission slip when his defences are down! On the very cusp of the Liberal Dynasty losing their grip on power they could hardly say no could they? Electoral suicide.

The local MP for Otahuhu was in the Opposition¹ and probably tipped off his local Catholic friends here of the sure thing. Ask and you shall receive.

“We propose holding a Bazaar in November…Would you kindly grant us a permit to raffle works of art in aid of that object.”

Planning a basic church raffle in June to be held in November; Thanks Red Tape! Not only that, the effort is to go toward debts incurred creating a school despite the fact we pay taxes to the State to provide such schools!²

Big Brother mechanisms like this are a web woven by the invasive ‘Liberal’ government that stuck its nose into Kiwi life. They brought us Weberian Bureaucracy, ousting the laissez faire Colonial economy and progressing Kiwis toward being the dumb sheep that would be duped into Depression and Great Wrong Wars.

Buying and selling is every man’s right, not a permission to be granted or refused as a chess piece in political games. They do though and without a care of the collateral damage done to our Social Capital which is in even worse shape than the national accounts.

1 The Member was probably William Massey himself, the next Premier. Otahuhu was a conservative stronghold, drawn as they were from a majority of Catholic stock who migrated in order to draw a line defending King and Country as ‘Fencibles’. They didn’t go in much for this Liberal SJW virus.

2 Of course, Catholics in the past were (rightly) wary of Government schools and preferred to educate their own

Curiously this request is written on school stationary even though there is a proper form that can be used. Ref. Earlier Post: 1913: Permission Slip to Raffle


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Anarchist History of New Zealand I am writing of a time when Poenamo was just born to Great Britain, and was her youngest child!- John Logan Campbell