February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1912: Back to the Future

February 10, 2021


“Well, Doc, it’s destroyed. Just like you wanted. But why did you send me to 1912 New Zealand??”

Back to the Future III (1990) has an uncanny simularity to something that really did happen in Christchurch 1912. Doc Brown and his young friend’s time-traveling car is accidentally destroyed when a train scatters it into wreackage alongside the tracks.

Well, on 7 Feb, 1912, in Christchurch, look at the remains of Brown’s car and his young friend  Peter. When I go to my experience, as you see, the closest parallel is the destruction of Doc Brown and Marty’s Time Machine in ‘Back to the Future III’.

Sadly the real life duo did not make it out alive. History records their deaths, rather than that they again departed on another time travel adventure. But the incident did lead, certainly by my own time period to the Styx Mill Bridge so car and train never need meet again.

“..the death of two men, ocoupants of a motor car, which was smashed to pieces by the north train that leaves the city at twelve o’clock. The car was driven by Mr Marshall Brown, salesman for the Overland! motor cars, who was accompanied by a friend, Mr Peter Fransden. They left in their car on Wednesday morning to go to Rangiora. On returning to town they evidently reached the crossing at the Styx simultaneously with the outgoing train.”- COLLISION AT STYX, Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser; Papers Past

Ref. Christchurch, The Way Our Ancestors Knew It (2018); Facebook


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