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1930s: I’m envious of Uncle Scrim

March 24, 2019


I’m envious of Uncle Scrim (1903-87) in terms of the access he managed to claim for himself. Unqualified, he queue-jumps into being a Methodist Minister thus gaining the title of ‘Reverend’. Then,
stumbles into this huge city job of being the main man at the Auckland central inner-city Methodist mission.

With this, Scrim gets a ‘flock’ and a church building, he gets a newsletter (‘The Call‘) and the ability to take collection, show movies, use Jesus’ rep to get business etc. to donate a movie projector and anything else he might need.

Reverend Scrim has a free back-stage pass to patients in the city’s hospitals and perform the functions of a prison chaplain too. In mental hospitals he tries his hand (therapist) on some hard-case patients with the staff’s blessing! Scrim gets to be a lawyer without being admitted to the bar, he could argue cases as a ‘friend of the court’.

Schmoozing with the rich and famous, the movers and the shakers. Hanging out with the university students as the Mr Cool; The Rev! Helper of the sick and unemployed. Ringmaster of donations and who to give them to. Walker of walves and streets. Confronter of politicians. An empire of donated clothing and food to dole out, an army of willing workers to be commanded under his oversight!

Free doctors visits for those he selected, as aid from a doctor who liked him. And who insisted Scrim come fishing with him for a holiday- at this, his, Doctor’s expense.

Another pal, similiar situation, offered to pay Scrim’s fee for the best golf club in Auckland and buy all the equipment. Scrim boldly converted this into flying instruction and gets a pilots licence out of the deal!

Scrim dons a New Zealand Air Force uniform, borrowed from a friend. Now he’s a New Zealand Air Force chaplain because he says he is!!! Even though The Air Force not only don’t know or consent- they don’t even have any such position officially!?

Do you see the escapades that this guy gets to do because of his Jesus Card? Other people study and pay and gain degrees and licences and train to be able to do what this guy got to do because he’s got a bloody dog collar!!

All these privileges are certainly the envy of any philosopher or psychologist or adventurer. This is not even to begin discussing Scrim’s best known role as a famous radio presenter or ‘public service’ (eg Controller National Commercial Broadcasting Service) to PM Savage or Communist China.

Son of a bitch, right!?

ref. Scrim: The Man with a Mike; Renwick (2011)

image ref.  Minhinnick, 1931; Alexander Turnbull Library

image ref. Colin Graham Scrimgeour, an anouncer with Radio 1ZB; Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections

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