January 22, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1936: The Ministry of Marketing

November 23, 2021


Incredible the socialist bullets we’ve dodged as a country… and the ones we haven’t. For example, from 26 May, 1936, The Ministry of Marketing.

Labour 1.0 created The Marketing Department in 1936 which locked in complete Government control of primary production in our country. Under the Minister, Walter Nash, Labour 1.0 now had the power to acquire all primary produce at prices fixed by itself! They widened those powers in 1937 and 1939.

“The Prime Minister Rt. .Hon. M. J. Savage, announced to-day that His Excellency the Governor-General had offered the new Portfolio of Minister of Marketing to Hon. W. Nash.” – Hokitika Guardian (1936); Papers Past

‘The Government, on behalf of the Crown, shall acquire the ownership of such products and fixed prices and to control the sale and distribution where intended consumption is within New Zealand at the government’s discretion’- Primary Products Marketing Act

“You know what I’ve just done? Just bought a boatload of bananas- that’s what”- Marketing Minister Walter Nash, Ref. Doughty (1977)

“The establishment, of a Primary Products Marketing Department will necessarily involve a revision of the functions of the New Zealand Dairy Board and consequent reorganisation of the staff of the board.” – Manawatu Times (1936), Papers Past

It’s a damn weird thing that the New Zealanders who went away to World War 2 to fight Hitler’s National Socialists because it was so evil implemented so many of the same policies and outlooks here at home. And who needs Stalin to add us to the Communist Bloc when we’re doing it to ourselves?

When National 1.0 came to power they scrapped the role of ‘Minister for Marketing’, of course. They introduced their own silly nonsense but it wasn’t quite as mad the reign of National Supply Commander Nash.

Transition Between Feudal Lords

The realpolitik of the situation, as no Anarchist need be reminded, is that Labour 1.0 were wresting political control out of the hands of the previous regime ( Forbes and Coates.) At the same time, Labour 1.0 passed the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Ammendment Act to ‘capture the flag’ of that institution under their wing as well. This was not a very democratic process and to achieve it legislatively Labour needed to over-use parliamentary urgency and closure to ram their bills through The House. The New Zealand Dairy Board was done in by the Ministry of Marketing just as it in turn would be replaced by National 1.0’s Producer Boards and Marketing Authorities. Keith Holyoake became the last Boss of the Ministry for Marketing in 1953 and abolished it. This set-up was in turn demolished by Labour 4.0,…and on and on we go with the political football to this day.

“Labour 6.5 will overhaul schooling, corrections, health, energy, police, national accounts, media, reproduction, gender relations, affirmative action, labour markets, social welfare, local government, farming, the electoral system…you name it. Like bacteria, they’ll change the environment to make it friendly to their own kind while excreting toxins to make it hostile to their own support base. All Governments do this, it’s the name of the game.” – “Change That Sticks”, NZB3

Why to New Zealanders tolerate politicians tolerate being bossed around by parasitical politicians inserting themselves into our trade? They stick their noses in, take what we have earned, make rules, fight each other, then change the rules around again with a new logo and brand and new executive management. Over and over. In the 2020 US Presidential election Joe Biden campaigned on creating the role of ‘National Supply Commander’. Nothing much came of it but evidently it was calculated to be not only an acceptable thing to promote but one that would appeal to voters. Surely that is the answer? As a people, as a culture, we sanction the premise that a Boss, like Walter Nash in 1936, can and should dictate what we should do with our own lives, our own property, our own butter, own bananas. Politicians did not create Statism they only take advantage of it while we keep letting them.

Ref. Ref. p113, The Holyoake Years, Doughty (1977)

Ref. Transition Between Feudal Lords, NZB3

Ref. Dial 105 for Nash, NZB3

Ref. New Zealand Forest Service, NZB3

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: What is reported and what is not relates as much to what is taken as to who is doing the taking.- Newbold