January 22, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1938: The Social Security Act

September 14, 2019


Today in New Zealand history, 14 September, 1938, The Social Security Act passed in to law.

While many New Zealand doctors’ backs are turned (they’re overseas fighting Nazi Socialists in WW2) Labour 1.0 back home totally re-organises their industry along Socialist lines.

Ironic isn’t it?

1938 Was ground zero for the NZ socialist health system. The ‘fee for service plan’ for GPs was introduced which put a price ceiling on what they could charge of 5s. Measures like this were strongly resisted for many months as the doctors faced off against the socialist politicians. The New Zealand Division of British Medical Assocition resisted while the Minister of Health, Peter Fraser, wore them down in a war of attrition.¹

The State finally got the power they wanted in New Zealand when their opponents were drafted off to war leaving the home political arena to Labour to do with as they pleased.

“Walter Nash’s budget was already inflicting a 5% Social Security tax and another 5% National Security tax; Everyone was paying a 10% sales tax now. In Nash’s budget he expanded and increased death duties, the better to tax the dead!”- 1940: The National Savings Movement, AHNZ

This 1938 poster (above) signifies one of the biggest election bribes in New Zealand history. The Social Security Act 1938- To come into force only if Labour 1.0 were re-elected.

You would like to think people hate M.J. Savage but they don’t. Even today people think he’s great; Such was Labour 1.0’s fantastic propaganda about themselves.

The Status Quo Seekers

Labour’s opposition to the new law in 1938 was token at the time. During the election, National did oppose Labour 1.0’s Social Security scheme under their (too-DC) leader Adam Hamilton (image below.)

New Zealanders were being offered free stuff…don’t fall for this scam! Our doctors do not wish to be centrally controlled in a socialist system. We are a free, independent, people not children who need this so-called ‘from the cradle to the grave’ Nanny State!

New Zealand was slam in the middle of Friendly Road Victimhood Culture and this anti-socialism message didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in K-selected hell. The National Party were electorally thrashed for going against Dear Leader Savage and his Comrades. Labour came out of the General Election with 56% of the vote, a score unrivalled by any of our advanced auctions on stolen goods before or since. Even poor old Keith Holyoake lost his seat!

New Zealand’s Right Wing hurt so badly they still have never returned to their constitutional principles. Here’s where New Zealand Conservatism died, before National 1.0 even came in to being a decade later. Sydney Holland (image right) and his crew resolved that their only shot to claw back power was to surrender to the inevitability of creeping socialism and embrace it themselves…they became status quo seekers….

“After the election it became increasingly obvious that latter day conservatives had adopted positive identification with the Welfare State As an absolute pre-requisite to political power”- Innes (1963)

So, you see, today is a very important day for New Zealand. It’s a milestone for socialism’s tightening grip and the surrender of the ‘loyal opposition’ in parliament. This is why, to make New Zealand as free as it once was, or more so, we cannot rely upon politicians to lead the way. They like their Beehive and their power and their deals and will say whatever they think you need to hear, or wear whatever burqa you want them to wear, so their gravy train keeps on rolling on.

Good news, though! There’s Anarkiwi.


1 If you wonder why our pre-socialist doctors were in the British Medical Association just remember that for most of our history we have all been British Citizens of the world. Before Labour 1.0’s term was up they’d taken that off us too. Ref. 1948: Extinguishing British Citizenship

Image ref. Savage election bribe; Mad On New Zealand.com

Image ref. Image ref. Social Security Fortress; Alexander Turnbull; NZhistory.govt.nz

Update 2021: “The whole thing really boils down to this: The Government want to dictate to doctors and bring them under their thumb.” – Dr H.B. Euan, Wellington. One World Flight, CBS (1947); The Internet Archive

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Anarchist History of New Zealand demonstrates that when you choose the behavior you choose the consequences.