1974: The Ohu Scheme
April 19, 2019
New Zealand is no stranger to communes. I discern, as with most things, a generational cycle of 20 years.
In 1974 Labour 3.0 announced The Ohu Scheme, opening up isolated Crown land to communes. As with the 1990s (eg Centrepoint,) the 1970s people (eg. Mahana est.1978) faded away as they discovered replacing modern culture wasn’t as easy as they thought it was.
Tim Shadbolt did a 180 and joined the political elite. J.K Baxter had his heart broken and died impoverished. Burt Potter, jailed. In Waipara, embarrassingly, they thought Jesus Christ was back until he died and failed to reappear. Some of these places still do exist in some form though but the wave has crested.
The most recent iteration was the Occupy Movement (2011) so think we’re due for the next by about 2030. By then the K-selected cultures will have become mainstream and overbearingingly intolerable to a lot of people who will take the option to quit society.¹
1 UPDATE: To clarify, the K-selected 2020s will force the r-selected flooding back into their communes, only to return in the 2030s