February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1982: The Other Guy

March 29, 2019


Part of New Zealand culture though technically the Little River Band is an Aussie act. Through an Anarchist lens (that’s what we’re here for) of history it is crucial timing for the state of culture in 1982 that this conundrum would be before our culture. The Other Guy is The State.

“If the government can do a better job taking care of the women and the women see that … then the government wins. If not even Thomas Crown can offer a woman more, than he deserves to lose.”

“Government = human farming. They have a certain life to offer that appeals to most people. Thomas Crown can only get the girl if he can convince her that what the government is offering is false/not desirable in some way.”

“Govt can give you money but can’t replace a good father.”

“Govt can provide free education but will that help or hurt your kids?”

The other guy won’t be around to talk to our kids
He won’t understand when you’re down the way that I did
We had it all, you and I, we just need to try again- The Other Guy (1982)

“Govt will make you vaccinate and medicate your children – will that hurt or help them?”

“Govt won’t read to your children at night or wrestle with your sons.”

Only 50% of the men who would like to marry and have a family will get to. Men have to fight (economically) to be winners in that game. The only women worth marrying are the loyal ones, the top 20% or so of available women. These women are highly desirable and the competition for them is super tough. There are no victims. Men who cannot compete will not get one of them. It’s a daunting task for the ordinary man to realize he has to be a “Thomas Crown” (metaphor) to even be in the game competing for a woman’s loyalty.

Competing for the right to breed….

Apart from the lyrics, the above comments come from a conversation with a friend about my earlier post: A Dissident Is Here. Now please listen to the song and remember who The Other Guy is…

image ref. LRB greatest hits cover. Not period, but sentimental to me. It’s what my wife was listening to when I met her.

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Progress uses many strange instruments