March 26, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1987: The Krypton Factor

March 31, 2019


The Krypton Factor, hosted by Dougal Stevenson ran from (6 June) 1987 to 1991 on TV2. In an era of Dignity Culture this is the form that game shows take. No contestant shaming, no gratuitous sexual displays, no aggression. The champion of this rather formal contest needed to excel both physically and mentally.

According to wikipedia the challenge covered, at various times of its run, personality, mental agility, response, observation, physical ability, intelligence, general knowledge

“In the documentary, “What is the Krypton Factor?” screening on Two at 7 tonight (Saturday), Dougal Stevenson, host of the new Television New Zealand / Australian Broadcasting Corporation co-production “The Krypton Factor,” introduces the series. He sets out to explain the many facets of the programme, which the British press dubbed “television’s toughest quiz.”” – Press (1987,) Papers Past

Along with interesting puzzles and quiz questions the finale was to complete what I remember as ‘the Krypton Factor’ course at Burnham Military Camp. There was often an inverse relationship between a contestant’s mental prowess and their ability to negotiate the course. By the end of the climbing and balancing and running the men and women were absolutely buggered. The final act of their race was a climactic zip-line/flying fox that all we kids would have loved to try out.

There’s no formal reason as to why it was called ‘Krypton’ except that it had a cool association with the element and science and perhaps Superman. The New Zealand show was not original but a chip off the old block from the Mother Country, Britain.

The Krypton Factor. In an era of Dignity Culture this is the form that game shows take. No contestant shaming, no gratuitous sexual displays, no aggression. New Zealand is not in such an era now as a show like this could be popular but later in the 2020s we will be.
This picture (right) reminds me of the unique and impressive puzzles that the contestants had to solve. They were unlike anything you could buy or see at school and more like something from a science fiction show. Futuristic. Especially at a time when perspex wasn’t so commonplace as it is these days.

Here’s the wonderful outro theme music…


ref. The Krypton Factor; Wikipedia

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Anarchist History of New Zealand:You see but you do not observe. - Sherlock Holmes