February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2002: Policepersons

March 28, 2022


There is now no height restriction for being a policeman and other standards of mental and physical excellence have been continually lowered too. The height requirement was removed c.2002 “in order to attract more women and Asians to the force.” (this was before Race Realism or Sex Realism came into question.)

“I was talking about the removal of height restrictions for police with an old lawyer the other day. He described police from yesteryear as “giants of men” and that everyone was just in awe of them. He also went on state that the removal of the height/male restrictions have indirectly led to the arming of police. Before, two strapping constables could deal with 99.5% of all incidents; now weaklings are armed with tazers and more lethal weaponry.”- Comment to AHNZ

“New Zealand police dropped the height requirement a decade ago in order to attract more women and Asians to the force.” – I just want to fight for the truth, Stuff (2012)

“New Zealand official documents, uniforms, vehicles, seals, logos etc are required to be free of political symbols; We leave that to party politics and citizens in non-official acts.” – Political Policemen, NZB3

“A uniform code is a strength in the long run because it constrains our public buildings and works and staff to their service function for all New Zealanders equally. When there’s a Catholic Policeman or a Homosexuals Squad Car or Maori Prison or Muslim IRD Branch we’ve slipped the pretense of civilisation and gone back to tribalism. The police are supposed to be defending our pluralistic way of life, the one that allows citizens of different values/religions/genders/races/.. to live side by side in peace together. Instead, they’re taking an axe to it in the name of some temporary public relations advantage they might not be able to take back.” – The 57 Year Old Police Rookie, NZB3

“Minister of Police Hon. George Hawkins is pleased Police have focussed on increasing the numbers of Maori, Pacific Islands and ethnic officers….Women also feature positively with 23.7% of all recruits being female….

Police have sought to increase the number of Maori recruits by holding Marae based recruiting seminars, advertising targeting Maori and Pacific Islands people, up-skilling support to assist Maori and Pacific Islands people to meet recruitment criteria. Police also hold recruitment stands at relevant ethnic events.” – George Hawkins, Maori, Pacific Island & Ethnic Police Recruits, Scoop (2000)

“Mr Hawkins said the new recruitment campaign, which begins on Friday, will particularly target women, Maori, Pacific Island and Asian peoples.” – George Hawkins, Funding To Recruit 600-700 New Police, Scoop (2001)

“Special Tactics 24/7 Surveillance cops got held up at the entry to Countdown!  Scanning in and sanitising their trigger fingers and all that…waiting for another customer to leave the shop so one of them could go in…” – Knife Violence Again At Big Brother’s Supermarket, NZB3 (2021)

It certainly is true that policepersons in the current era have become more equipped. They now walk around with more gadgets and appendages strapped to their utility belts than Arnold Schwarzenegger needed in Commando (1985) to take on a whole army.

Consider the officers (above left, and right.) I feel more at home in this New Zealand than the one we have now. The main weapon this police officer had was their pencil and notebook. Our police have now escalated their political correctness and tactical arsenal in a hopeless chase to work against the people rather than with them. And, it’s already not working out.

Ref. Some frontline police refusing high-risk callouts as violence escalates, ZB (2021)

Compensating for ability with doodads isn’t just about substituting physical presence. Emotional Intelligence is also displaced because who needs to hone a commanding moral authority when this can be outsourced to a zap gun? And, of course, the Police Union is constantly pushing for all officers to be armed with guns. This creates what economists call a Substitution Effect: People problems getting solved with gadgets instead of with people-based solutions.

Hand-in-hand with New Zealand police becoming more Woke they have become more equipped (over-equipped in my opinion) with war-like weapons and kit. It’s an investment away from well-trained human capital toward well-decorated stab-vests on two legs with less wits. During the same period New Zealand has also seen an increase in private security outside banks, supermarkets, retailers, public libraries, and even Work And Income Offices¹.

“On March 4th of this year newly elected Mayor Mary Sue Beal announced that she was changing the hiring practices of this city’s police force.”

“No longer would height, weight, sex, education, or physical strength be used to keep new recruits out of the Metropolitan Police Academy.”

“Hundreds of people who never dreamed of becoming policy officers signed up immediately.” –  farcical premise from comedy movie Police Academy (1984.)

Police now have a gay-themed cop car, a Maori-themed cop car, even a farmer-themed cop tractor. In 2021 the Woke Police were so Politically Correct that they allowed the New Lynn Terror Attack stabber a head start because they stopped to sanitise their hands! And, they waited outside the Countdown so the Social Distancing rules would not be broken by having too many people in the building even though one of them was the stabber.

These Police Academy-like rules about Political Correctness introduced by people such as Labour 5.0’s Minister of Police have expanded as has the violence in society and the increasingly militaristic stance of the New Zealand Police. Is there a pattern here?

Do you think we are better off now or before these changes?

1 It’s hard to accept that a WINZ office, a place the government is supposed to help you, would not be a safe place to be. They are literally giving away ‘free’ stuff so what’s to be angry and violent about? The answer is that the violence is born of a sense of entitlement to the ‘free’ stuff and that they are not getting it. Earlier generations did not need dedicated security staff in public buildings because they hadn’t this sense of entitlement.

Image ref. Evening Post, Nov 1959; Alexander Turnbull Library

Image ref. Labour 5.0’s Police Minister George Hawkins, Mark Graham, Scoop Images: The Bobbie’s Boss (2001)

Image ref. Unknown policewoman, New Zealand Police Museum, Facebook (2022); AHNZ


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: He not busy being born is busy dying