March 29, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2004: Safe Communities Foundation

July 15, 2020


The United Nations, specifically the World Health Organisation, has been slowly enveloping New Zealand at the Local Government level for the past 20 years. How so?

Check out this amazing example of ‘narrative capture’….

“Waimakariri District has been an accredited Safe Community since 1999”. – The Community is in Safe Hands,

After considerable effort, Ashburton has been officially accredited as a Safe Community.”Making our district safer – Safer Ashburton,

“Through SCFNZ, communities can become accredited as safe.”– Ref.

These sorts of statements go on and on. There are currently 20 “safe” places to live in New Zealand..

Ashburton District Safe Community
Central Hawke’s Bay District Safe Community
Christchurch City Safe Community
Hastings District Safe Community
Hutt Valley Safe Community
Invercargill City/Southland District/Gore District Safe Community
Marlborough District Safe Community
Napier City Safe Community
New Plymouth District Safe Community
Palmerston North City Safe Community
Stratford District Safe Community
Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland Safe Community
Taupo District Safe Community
Tauranga City/Western Bay of Plenty District Safe Community
Te Wairoa He Hapori Haumaru
Waimakariri District Safe Community
Waitaki District Safe Community
Waitomo District Safe Community
Westland District Safe Community
Whanganui District Safe Community

So do you really live in a safe community? No, that’s not what it means at all.

It means the United Nations in New York has established a local clubhouse in your town. They hand out cut glass monuments to each other and talk about poverty, gender equality, climate action, ‘responsible consumption’, community development, etc. Also, and more on the surface, ‘safety’ topics such as suicide, household and workplace and sport injury, proper use of seatbelts,…

Unlike other clubs (non-profit organisations) they are taxpayer funded through our ACC rates and taxation revenue budgeted to the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Justice.

‘Safe’ issue press releases and FAQ sheets, so are basically a government-funded political action group.

Helen Clark’s Labour 5.0 Government used its powers to found a local head office of the World Health Organisation in this country back in 2004. It has the power to bestow ‘safe’ status on our local governments by inspecting them and handing out awards to the bureaucrats who manage to bring their own councils on board. Judging by the photos these useful idiots appear to be, without exception, grinning white women who are excited to be doing ‘good’ (ref. Victimhood Culture.)

(Clark herself ascended to being boss of the UN Development Programme in 2017. Having facilitated the infiltration of the UN into New Zealand’s local government would have made for useful credentials to earn this role. It was not enough to to gain the political prize she wanted- boss of the United Nations Secretariat)

In 2004 the New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy (NZIPS) Secretariat and ACC assisted with the establishment of the SCFNZ to support the development and accreditation of Safe Communities. SCFNZ is the only entity within New Zealand that is able to assess and confer Safe Communities accreditation status to communities in New Zealand….to create safer environments, and increase the adoption of safer behaviours.- Brief History,

The term ‘quango’ is probably the best descriptor although it’s hard to tell what to call something blended out of The United Nations, New Zealand Government, and local-level busybody left-wing finger-waggers clubs the world over.

The local branch office has been part of New Zealand since 2004 but Waitakere and Waimakariri were signed on to the UN programme as early as 1999. This suggests that the true beginning of the WHO presence in our Local Government started during National 5.0 in the Jenny Shipley years. If so, Helen Clark was able to pick up what Shipley had dropped and almost run with it to the point of becoming the first woman Secretary General of the United Nations.

The WHO model contrasts greatly with, say, a 1904 perspective on safety which was internalised to the culture. That is to say, it was down to individual responsibility as well as friends and family to look out for each other during times when there were far more risks and dangers in our world than there are now.

I don’t think their real agenda is safety though, I think it’s control. As more and more of our local governments sign on to being directed by WHO regulations the time will come when New Zealand is simply run out of New York. This is a far easier way to take over a country than to do so by arms, it’s the Fabian Socialist way.

Reading the SFC territorial dossier is like reading a menu plan for an invader. It’s a collection of conquered territories complete with demographic information and contact details for the local UN point-man. The list of captured towns and cities is a great way to keep tabs on the spread of Centralism and Socialism over New Zealand. And the people doing it are doing it at ratepayer’s expense, perhaps for a pay raise in their public service jobs. They probably have stars in their eyes hoping to attend the next national “forum” or “hui” and perhaps even go to New York for a very important ‘Safe’ workshop.

This is not being done at a democratic level. Nobody in any election discusses making or keeping their Local Government a fiefdom of the World Health Organisation/United Nations. It’s a Trojan Horse, done under the radar, by stealth. The public face is just ‘Safety’. And you want your community to be safer, don’t you?


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology- Edward O. Wilson