February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2016: The Rotorua Museum Scam

August 13, 2021


The saga of Rotorua Museum being State money sink gets more bizzare every time they re-spin it! This time it’s $53 million dollars, another 12 months added to the deadline, and a Left-wing pop singer is in command!

“Council said that with $53m in funding raised and rebuild work about to commence Marvelly’s initial focus will be that rebuild work ahead of a planned reopening in 2022.” – Former singer appointed to lead Rotorua Museum’s $53m rebuild, Stuff (2020)

In 2006-2011 Rotorua Museum sucked in huge piles of taxpayer money to extend the building (‘Centennial project’) and make it safe and sound.

Then, in 2016 the buildings were closed indefinitely as a sudden (opportunistic) revelation on the buildings earthquake readiness not previously contemplated (apparently) strikes (despite all that expensive work.)

In 2018 the museum promised to “consign closure to history by 2021”

Today in history, 13 August 1908, the future Rotorua Museum was opened by the American Military. At the time, a Government-run baloney socialist hydrotherapy tourist resort. It has always been a locus of NZ/US relations.

From 1969 to 2016 it was Rotorua Museum

From 2016 to 2022 and beyond, it had become a money laundering scheme for your tax money. Also, a highly paid reward job for “holistic” pop singer Lizzie Marvelly.

In 2019, Labour 6.0 added $20,000,000 promising to open up the museum (just about the time of Local Government elections.)

And now, in 2020, it’s $53million and a Lizzie Marvelly and the new deadline is “a planned reopening in 2022.”

Do you really really think The State is competent and capable of looking after our history? Do you?

Update: Called it correctly. “Initially expected to be ready by 2022, the museum will now not open its doors until 2025.” Ref. Opening of Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa Rotorua Museum delayed for three years, Stuff (2021)

Who is she? Another gender-bending white savior Victimhood Culture SJW Millennial Feminist. Herald columnist. Tried in battle defending the Ihumatao occupiers against Elliot Ikilei (New Conservative.) So she’s being groomed for Labour 6.0, I take it. On maternity leave. Yet to be determined if her job in Rotorua or her recent same-sex civil union will survive having a child.

I have a vision: Jacinda, Lizzy, Tamati, and the mayor all on stage in the Government Gardens, Rotorua, rallying up votes for the General Election. Blaggg…

Update 2021: Lizzie Marvelly stepping down as Rotorua Museum Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa director, NZ Herald

Update 2023:  The $53.5 million has been secured….so now the price has shifted to $81.4 million! And, $10 million for remastering the exhibitions! Ref. What will be the fate of Rotorua Museum?, NZ Herald (June 2023)

Update 2023: “The Rotorua Trust’s latest donation was added to the initial $10m it granted in 2018, a statement from the trust said.” – Rotorua Museum restoration: Rotorua Trust gifts extra $5 million, NZ Herald (December 2023)

Ref. also 1969: Ripped off in Rotorua

Ref. also 1969: Rotorua Museum

Image ref. Stuff

Image ref. New Zealand Vintage Postcards, Facebook


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: A stone is heavy and the sand is weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than both- Frank Herbert