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2017: Why are New Zealand Women so Lazy?

September 2, 2020


Why are New Zealand women so lazy? According to The Activity Inequality Project by Stanford University, they are some of the world’s most lazy people.

Or, to use the language of ‘The Activity Inequality Project’, why are New Zealand women suffering from so much physical inactivity inequity?

“A new study has been released showing New Zealand is one of the world’s laziest countries – and Kiwi women walk significantly less than men….New Zealand is 35th out of 46 countries for laziness…United States, often thought of as the unhealthiest country in the world, walk more than New Zealand does.”- New Zealanders, especially women, among the world’s laziest people – study; Newshub (2017)

Rather than take responsibility for this finding, Women’s Minister for Labour 6.0, Julie Anne Genter (image above) claimed that women’s exercise was someone else’s responsibility…

“Redesigning cities to prevent violence against women and reduce street harassment and assault will be a priority for Women’s Minister Julie Anne Genter…She will work with the New Zealand Transport Agency and local councils to push for all environmental design projects to incorporate elements that will prevent harm to women.”- Women don’t cycle or walk as much as men because they feel unsafe, minister says; Stuff (2017)

I’ve got my own explanation but we’ll first need just a little bit of Anarchist History theory…

The Maternal Lattice: Also known as ‘human mothering software’. This is the instinct, the knowledge, the skills, the sentiments, the institutions employed in Mothering. (In a healthy attachment to a child Mothering must wind down and end forever as the child matures into an adult.)

The Maternal Lattice compels mothers to feed their children well, make sure they wash, make sure they are safe, tend to them in sickness, **make sure they get enough exercise.**

“Inequality in how activity is distributed”

‘The Activity Inequality Project’ is another academic and bureaucratised corruption of healthy and essential human software. Hence, the concept of a “global pandemic of physical inactivity.” They say, “We find inequality in how activity is distributed within countries,” as if the Santa Claus of Health has been Inequitable and Karl Marx needs to set up a police road block to detain the sleigh…

In our time, The Maternal Lattice has jumped the tracks into The Political Lattice. Not good! The two need to be separated the same way The Religious Lattice was (aka separation of church and state.)

Supercharged with the Ring of Power of The State, we get this Maternal Nanny State projecting this Maternal Energy all over citizens as if we were little kids and need to be told what to do.

Good Mogwai turns into Bad Gremlin when it makes contact with the water of The State (ref. ‘Gremlins’ (1984))

So, why is it reported that Kiwi women are suffering ‘physical inactivity inequity’ (aka ‘why are they lazy?’) Because the runaway Supercharged Maternal Nanny State (SMNS) requires it! Nobody is ever well-fed enough or healthy enough or exercised enough….were this so then the SMNS would have to end; Gremlins would see themselves in the mirror and recoil; Politicians and bureaucrats would have to resign and get real jobs.

It may be that Kiwis, especially perhaps SMNS women, are genuinely short of exercise for a related reason. Instead of individual responsibility (ie proactive steps toward physical fitness) they too expect the SMNS to mother and make them healthy and ‘equal’.

The best face to sell SMNS to the public is one we can project Mother onto- hence a maternalistic woman politician makes the best canvas. Jacinda Ardern did a great job as being New Zealand’s Mother during the first term of the Labour 6.0 Government.

But make no mistake, beneath the façade, like Dorian Grey, they are all Gremlin. Post WW2, this was Mabel Howard, in the 1990s this was Sue Kedgley. In 2017 it was Julie Anne Genter leading the way before handing over to Ardern. This is a phenomena of Victimhood Culture eras and will return again by the second half of the 2020s.

For now, the Supercharged Maternal Nanny State is over. Yes, even if some of its adherents haven’t figured that out yet.


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Escape your illusions, then you can escape your history