January 22, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2018: School students banned from touching army guns

April 20, 2019


God Defend New Zealand because we are certainly not.

This image of children with guns is only from 2017 but in the moral climate of the early 2020s such pictures send the mainstream into paroxysms of shock.

Our only hope is that foreign nations hungry to expand don’t read our newspapers.

This article should be in the Real Estate section.

Students will no longer be able to hold or shoot army guns at school under new government guidelines.- School students banned from touching army guns, Adele Redmond, Stuff 2018

“It encourages students to think it’s okay to mix an education environment with guns and it’s not ..” – Kevin Clements Emeritus Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Otago, ibid

“Only Defence Force or NZ Police personnel should hold or possess firearms during a visit to a school.
No student, parent/caregiver, volunteer or staff member may hold/possess a restricted firearm during a Defence Force or NZ Police visit.” – Guidelines for
schools developing a firearms policy, Ministry of Education (2018)

Yummy unguarded, under-populated, fertile land with tax system already in place. Docile tenants. Fully furnished. Vendor moving on.

Update 2022: Labour 6.0 didn’t ban guns at school nor students from holding and possessing guns at school. They banned the Police and Defense Force from overseeing such holding and possessing during their visits.

Chris Hipkins’ Ministry of Education issued a release: Finalised firearm guidelines for schools released on 30 July, 2018. Ref. Scoop

The release links to a now non-existent Ministry page. Ref. changes-in-education/health-and-safety/practice-framework-resources-for-health-and-safety/guidelines-for-schools-to-develop-or-review-a-firearms-policy and the same is apparently true for the NZSTA. So much for trying to get ‘healthy and safe’ guidelines into the right hands.

However, I found the document on the Ministry Page. Ref. Firearms-in-Schools-Guidelines-and-Tool-Kit.pdf

It states: “It is ultimately the board of trustees who will decide on what the firearms policy for their school will look like” and “There are a range of circumstances where boards might choose to allow firearms onto their premises, or have students involved with firearms outside school premises.” There is a long table giving instances where firearms will be allowed in school.

So, the ‘ban’ is really an exercise in Statecraft and paying lip service to calm the Victimhood Culture population (eg. Kevin Clements) of the world while the real world goes on. If Adele Redmond and anxious parents and professors really cared about the issue they wouldn’t have been so easily let this one go. On the other hand, schools have been given a strong signal not to exercise their rights and instead to keep a low profile. No more pictures of children being educated about firearms!

If a school and the NZ Police/NZDF want to get together it’s still just fine so long as the former isn’t being visited by the later. We just have this ridiculous restriction on professionals passing on knowledge on school soil so that the Ministry doesn’t have to feel embarrassed about pictures frightening to idiots making to to social media or the press.


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Tax Refund: You just gave the government a free loan. Here's your money back- without interest. - Robert Kiyosaki