February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2020: Frankenstein’s Maori

January 30, 2020


Another State lolly scramble with your money, another academic corruption of what should be natural and authentic.
No community, no culture, no language, requires or pursues million dollar professorial task forces to sift through accidental trivia for 3 years. No commercial enterprise would pay $666k to try to measure how much random drift words have crossed over from one arbitrary ‘Maori’ speaker to an arbitrary ‘non-Maori’ speaker. Nobody without stolen State cash would suppose they could jump-start sleeping ngrams (like some Frankenstein Monster) into a living, breathing, speaking, alter ego.

“Professor Jeanette King…leading a research project called ‘Awakening the proto-lexicon’ which recently won a three-year grant from the 2019 Marsden Fund….This latest research will explore whether adults can activate their proto-lexicon…”- UC-led research wins grant for study on te reo, adult language acquisition; Canterbury.ac

It’s as if Professor Jeanette King thinks there is a little proto-Māori inside everyone and she needs half a million bucks to prove it. Then, she’s going to single out this hypothesised wee Māori essence in you and give it steroids until it grows inside you and becomes your new personality. Well, after all, isn’t that exactly what universities do for (or to) impressionable students currently at their own expense? King wants to formalise the clone formula that created people like herself or Jennifer Ward-Lealand, Hine Elder, Scotty and Stacey Morrison, or Jenny Rankine.
Still not as much steroids as our “Difficult Histories” friends, AKA ‘shifting historical perspectives of the New Zealand Wars’ received. A year and a half ago they got $859,000 and have still done bugger all. These billions of State fiscal injections only misdirect and stunt any authentic growth we have as self-directed people. Who we really are is replaced by a fake identity that seems valuable and important only because of the false price signals of some fleeting propaganda money.

2 thoughts on "2020: Frankenstein’s Maori"

  1. John Hurley says:

    Two questions. Why does the government not endorse positive psychology (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) in race relations instead of milking the negative for all it’s worth and what is the basis of the alternative approach?
    Woke Private Schools and the Elite Leninist Vanguard

    1. AHNZ says:

      The Government isn’t trying to heal the body it is a parasite. Ticks and mosquito don’t offer you CBT! It’s actually best if the hosts are preoccupied with each other from that point of view because they’ll be too busy to swat the biting insect or engage in grooming behavior.

      The alternative is for us not to have a State.

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.- Robert Briffault, Kiwi