August 24, 2018
You don’t get to hear New Zealand history straight. There’s so much feather-brained jingoism, sanitised and politically correct sentiment in the telling of our history. “It’s boring,” and “There isn’t much to tell.”
Whereas, I find it richly hilarious and pretentiously comic! People want those they’re descended from to look good and be good so history ends up looking like an add for Colgate toothpaste. Bright Smiles, clean minty fresh! If average Kiwis can’t spin history into that they pass it over as unwritten. Let those people be shocked and disappointed out of their complacency. Everyone else, buckle up and enjoy the ideas.
What do you think?
This is The History of New Zealand through an anarchist lens. Specifically, that of Rick Giles. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.
Anarchist History is our New Zealand History told with maximum scepticism toward the spin and propaganda of The State. This point of view makes radically different interpretations possible that State political, stateĀ academic, and state media institutions struggle to conceive of.
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