January 16, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

Are We Being Conned By The Treaty Industry?

August 9, 2021


How will the mainstream meet this intellectual challenge to received history? Are we being conned by the Treaty Industry is a pamphlet that has been circulated in Wellington and Auckland.

Ref. Anti-treaty booklets sent to homes promote ‘racist and backward-looking’ ideas Matthew Tso; Dominion Post, Stuff (Jul 16 2020)

Ref. ‘Bull**** in my letterbox’ – Outrage over racist booklet UPDATED; Te Ao Maori News, Rukuwai Tipene-Allen (2021)

Will it prompt a factual discussion that identifies the points raised and responds to them in a clear and thought-out way?

“racist propaganda”
“He had no time for such ideas”
“divisive and unhelpful”
“Black Lives Matter movement….allows people to ask questions.”
“backwards looking”
“appalling and offensive.”
“classic treaty denial”
“anti-Māori rights.”
 *  *  *
‘this document is inflammatory’
‘denigrates New Zealanders’
“Andrew Little commented on the group, saying it was made up of “dumb people””
“Māori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi said to use the publication as toilet paper.”
“Te Ao Māori News asked Westpac for comment on the account and what checks take place for someone to open an account.”
“The Advertising Standards Authority says…”
“bewildered and flabbergasted”
‘propaganda push’
‘racist rhetoric’
“political mudslinging”

This isn’t asking questions, this isn’t an Open Society. This is thought laundering. Sanitising. This is SJW processing of Wrong Think.

“I had nothing to do with the production of this pamphlet but I confess to finding nothing in the least surprising or objectionable in what the article claims the pamphlet asserts.”- Pamphlet truths spark outrage,  Don Brash;  BASSETT, BRASH & HIDE (2021)

Myth No. 1. The Maoris are indigenous to New Zealand

Myth No. 2. The Maoris enjoyed an idyllic life before the arrival of the white man.

Myth No. 3. The Maoris did not cede full sovereignty at Waitangi in 1840

Myth No. 4. Those tribes, like Tuhoe and Tainui, whose chiefs did not sign the Treaty, are not bound by it.

Myth No. 5. The Treaty of Waitangi was a “partnership” between the Crown and Maori.

Myth No. 6. There are principles of the Treaty.

Myth No. 7. There are two conflicting versions of the Treaty – one in English and the other in Maori.

Myth No. 8 The Treaty of Waitangi is a “living document”.

Myth No. 9. Colonisation was bad for Maoris. The Treaty of Waitangi and British col

Myth No. 10. Maori had to wait 27 years after 1840 before being granted the vote in 1867.

Myth No. 11. In 1863, during the Maori War, Governor Grey “invaded” the Waikato.

Myth No. 12. Confiscation of lands from rebellious tribes during and after the Maori Wars was a breach of the Treaty.

Myth No. 13. There is no harm in ”co-governance agreements” between Crown and Maori.

Myth No. 14. The Maori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa.

Myth No. 15. Tuheitia of the Waikato is the Maori king.

Myth No. 16. Maoris (“tangata whenua”) have a greater claim to New Zealand than other New Zealanders

Myth No. 17. Maoris deserve special grants and privileges because they are at the bottom of the socio-economic heap.

Myth No. 18 The modern revival of tribalism is a good thing.

Myth No. 19 Treaty settlements are for the redress of historical grievances.

Myth No. 20. The Waitangi Tribunal acts like a court.

Myth No. 21 The high imprisonment rate of part-Maoris is the result of colonisation and the Crown not honouring the Treaty of Waitangi.

Myth No. 22 In the 1800s Maoris “lost” most of their lands.

Myth No. 23. Most New Zealanders see nothing wrong with Maori privileges; it is only a few fuddy-duddies who object.
– Ref. To All New Zealanders: Are We Being Conned By The Treaty Industry? (2020)

Matthew Tso pained himself not to investigate or report a balance of ideas but to cancel an opposing view with propaganda and rhetoric.

Rukuwai Tipene-Allen did all of this but went further, seeking to have government and Westpac bank cancel the free speech her outlet objects to. More, she tried to leverage her problem with the group into a party-political attack on National as if they had anything to do with this.

Easy to see why the author didn’t stick their neck out for the nooses that Tipene-Allen and Tso made with their pens. A fair hearing is clearly not on the agenda, just a lynching to help make a reporter’s name and sell copy.

It is not by deleting the views we disagree with that we become more certain of our own, that’s a self-deceptive fraud resorted to by those who doubt their conclusions and fear the truth is not on the side of their interests.

1842: Crown admits failing to stop Maori from ‘enslaving’ Moriori
1860: Kohimarama Conference
1970s: Kiwis have no idea when the Treaty of Waitangi was signed
1997: The Death of Mat Rata
1998: Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act
2002: Discovery of Lost Tribe, Ngati Hinerangi
2006: Made in Taiwan

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: when you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect men to remain good.- Rand