February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2018: Government Place Names

January 26, 2019


I don’t cede sovereignty to a State Geographic Board to dictate or compel my speech or what names I may or may not use. I wont beg or plead them for the right to think or name things because then I would recognise myself a victim and they the masters who bestow names and definitions upon we the Muggles.

One man’s bid to stop a South Island river getting a name change because the proposed Māori version was “too long” has been shot down.

“Waiau Uwha River is not a long name,” the New Zealand Geographic Board said as it officially renamed the Waiau River.- Stuff

But if you want to take this sort of thing on it must be done as a moral cause. This lexical territory grab must be fought on moral grounds not by an appeal to victimhood and weakness such as inability to pronounce or the words being “too long”.

You do that, you’ve already lost.

South Island rivers restored to original Māori names; Stuff, 2018

2 thoughts on "2018: Government Place Names"

  1. Jen says:

    On the subject of place names, how about the name of our country being hijacked by ‘woke abs pc stealth from New Zealand to Aotearoa?

    1. AHNZ says:

      By Victimhood Culture and Government, it is.

      The name ‘New Zealand’ has a great deal of history and deep roots, it’s only that we have forgotten it or not been taught it or un-taught it by our government schools. The men who discovered and named our land were not some slack-arse Tulip-licking drunken dike-diggers with over-sized collars. They fought for our modern world and handed it on to us to keep safe, first Britain and then its greatest colony. That’s our legacy, if we will claim it. New Zealand is a name imbued with obscured meaning that ought not to be obscured and then discarded. Aotearoa is a name with no meaning, an invented myth by the Government because it sounds ‘indigenous’ or ‘traditional’. We have a name, it’s a good one, it’s got a real history. Why commit a crime against our Ancestors of the Mind just to swap out a genuine heritage for a fake plastic one?

      Ref. http://ahnz.anarkiwi.co.nz/1647-new-zealand/

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Escape your illusions, then you can escape your history