February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

The Unhistoric Story, verse 5

October 18, 2018


“The pilgrim dream pricked by a cold dawn died
Among the chemical farmers, the fresh towns; among
Miners, not husbandmen, who piercing the side
Let the land’s life, found like all who had so long
Bloodily or tenderly striven
To rearrange the given.
It was something different, something
Nobody counted on. “

Goldminer, or ‘chemical farmer’
Captain Cargill: Big plans for Dunedin and its means of production but nobody counted on all that gold showing up!

– The Unhistoric Story’, verse 4. Brilliant poem by Allen Curnow

Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4

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Anarchist History of New Zealand demonstrates that when you choose the behavior you choose the consequences.