January 21, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

Today In New Zealand History

July 26, 2019



21 January: [blank]
The opening month of the year corresponds to an English July in season and in temperature- in drying wind and in all the characteristics of an English midsummer, with its bright sunshine, dry atmosphere, and increasing warmth, slightly intensified. These atmospheric conditions usually attain their greatest intensity about the end of the present and commencement of the ensuing month. It is, therefore, a matter of peculiar importance in gardening to finish the planting and sowing of winter vegetables during the earlier period of the month, while the ground still retains a portion of the moistur acquired during the usually showery month of December; for if the operations of planting and sowing are carried on while the soil is dry, the sun bright, and the winds parching, the chances of successful gardening must necessarily become greatly diminished.

Ref. Southern Provinces Almanac, 1868


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Legality is a matter of power not justice.