February 22, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

Today In New Zealand History

July 26, 2019



22 February: Procl. Martial Law at Taranaki, 1860
This, the first autumnal month, like that of August in England, usually displays more of the characteristics of summer weather than that of autumn. Vegetation is still in the midst of luxuriant growth, although the weather is generally hot and dry, so much so as to suspend, in a great degree, the usual duties of planting and sowing, and to restrict the operations of the garden to the collection of ripe fruits for preserving. Apples, pears, peaches, plums, and raspberries will now be ripening in great profusion, and ought to be collected only when perfectly dry; for fruit gathered and boiled in a wet state is sure to ferment.

Ref. Southern Provinces Almanac, 1868


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Belonging to many networks does not add up to having a community, not matter how many you belong to or how often your telephone rings.- John Taylor Gatto