February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1868: Superintendent Rolleston

May 22, 2019


22 May, 1868, Christchurch today in New Zealand History. William Rolleston proposed as Superintendent from balcony of the old Christchurch Town Hall. No other nominations were declared so William soon became the new ‘Prime Minister’ of Canterbury.

How did this young gentleman farmer get mixed up in politics? It was back in 1863 according to the version I heard. Rolleston was working away on his run at Mt Algidus. Probably pitch-forking hay or delivering a calf, or both at the same time..

Along comes Superintendent Samuel Bealey on a surprise visit. “William, it’s time,” he says gravely. The young man lingers only to collect The Iliad and some Marcus Aurelius into his saddle bags; He is ready. Next minute, farmer Rolleston is Canterbury’s top executive and the two gun-slingers ride together into a new sunrise over Canterbury.

Sounds like typical origin story nonsense to me! But I’d watch that movie. The part of his life that truly was cinematic would come in 1881 when William really did ride into battle at Parihaka but was able to de-escalate the conflict and bring Te Whiti to justice.

image ref. First Christchurch Town Hall; wiki

image ref. Rolleston c.1895; Stanley Polkinghorne Andrew, Alexander Turnbull Library



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Anarchist History of New Zealand: A stone is heavy and the sand is weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than both- Frank Herbert