1874: Transit of Venus
March 25, 2025
On December 9, 1874 an American observation party of 6 was led by Professor C. H. Peters to Queenstown. Time to observe the Transit of Venus across the sun and take photos! The scientist were very, very, well received by the community but no scientists were among them. No “formal” scientific “partnership,” as recently claimed.
A similar US team of 9 were on the Chatham Islands where they were landed by the U.S Navy Vessel U.S.S Swatara and this was led by Edwin Smith. Nothing was “bilateral” about that either. These are probably the men in this image (left) of the Chathams camp.
All of this was celebrated in 2024 for that was the 150th anniversary. As this Embassy video shows they already had their cocktail party in the 150th year. Includes US$150,000 of funding (1/4 million NZ.) Someone there to talk Maori. Even had Oppy the NASA rover robot. Possibly serving drinks like R2D2 had to for Jabba the Hutt?
Looks like they even published a book about it: Southern Heavens: The 1874 Transit of Venus United States Expedition to Chatham Island by Jocelyn Powell et al.
So they already had this party last year at the appropriate time for a 150 year celebration. Albeit 150 years since New Zealand did nothing other than let friendly Americans perform astronomical experiments in proximity to us (aka “formal bilateral scientific collaboration.”)
Sounds like Biden’s old embassy needs a clean-out. I feel a grift.
For some reason the old Joe Biden US State Department was going to fly New Zealand (aka government) scientists to Washington DC in 2025. Hotels, booze, and party snacks. Total: NZ$51,580.
“Professor Peters’ lecture, chaired by the Rev. Donald Ross, explained the project to the citizens. It was held in the Town Hall and Athenaeum…with funds raised to support the construction of the Library (1876)…Peters amused the audience by becoming an astrologer: ‘I see in the stars a large city here of the future; railways converging upon it; people coming from many other parts of the earth to enjoy its beautiful climate, and behold its grand scenery. (Loud applause). I tell you, gentlemen, that despite worldly cares, there is a great future before this Island. I see it reflected in the stars, if you will allow me to say so, and I see this small, but beautiful, town the capital of that Island, the centre of attraction, the abode of those who possess taste and wealth, as well as the humbler student of nature. (Loud cheers).” – Borell (2020)
“Today, I stood where history was made—at the site of the 1874 Transit of Venus in Port Hutt. 150 years of scientific collaboration between the USA and New Zealand started right here in Rēkohu, Chatham Islands. Grateful for the insightful tour by Prof. David Johnston, Kelvin and Susie.” – U.S. Ambassador Udall – US Embassy New Zealand, Facebook (2024)
“Celebrating 150 Years of US-NZ Scientific Collaboration in 2024! The academic and research communities of New Zealand and the United States are set to celebrate a remarkable milestone: the 150th anniversary of their formal scientific partnership.” – US Embassy New Zealand (2024)
“We are proudly celebrating 150 years of groundbreaking scientific collaboration between New Zealand and the United States!…Oppy was in attendance too! Find out where you can see the replica of the Opportunity Rover” – US Embassy New Zealand, Instagram, nz.usembassy.gov (2024)
“They better get fundraising; I hear weekend car washes and chocolate sales are quite popular.” – Hemi Russall to AHNZ
“Universities New Zealand chief executive Chris Whelan said it received notification last month that a US$30,000 (NZ$51,580) grant for a function in Washington had been cancelled…”It was seen as highly desirable to mark a major milestone, 150 years of scientific collaboration between our countries and a feel-good event and a good chance to publicise New Zealand in the United States,” he said.” – RNZ (2025)
President Trump says no. Fair enough! Not only did these guys play no role none of their predecessors did either. Besides which, it’s a year too late.
If Universities New Zealand chief executive Chris Whelan and his people really do find it “highly desirable to mark a major milestone” will they now have a science party of their own at their own expense? Don’t think so.
Let’s see how much they IFL science when Uncle Sam isn’t paying for the drinks.
It’s another case of why we need an Anarchist History of New Zealand rather than a government one.
In this case our academics and government officials are bending the history of New Zealand to feather their own nests. Sometimes when people do this it’s for a more impressive cause like massive land transactions, property rights over water, enormous reserves of cash. For example, some grifters in Northland managed to re-history themselves into owning an airport. Ref. 1947: Kaitaia Airport, AHNZ
In this case our history is being invented simply so some academics could have a nice holiday. And, I suppose, so that some of Biden’s embassy flunkies could pull some strings and flex their imagined importance. It comes at the expense of our true history and the genuine achievements of real scientific work in the 1870s. And, at the expense of the true story about everyday New Zealanders being welcoming and excited hosts.
Image ref. The US Science base on Chatham Islands, Library Company of Philadelphia. Massey University. Colourised by AHNZ (2025)
Image ref. The US Science base at Queenstown. Queenstown Courier (2020.) Colourised by AHNZ (2025)
Ref. Transit of Venus Observatory Site, Melbourne St, 1874. Complied by Marion Borrell. Queenstown Courier #103 (2020)
Ref. US Astronomical Expedition, Globe (1874,) Papers Past