February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1879: Puhoi Hotel

January 13, 2021


Puhoi Hotel, 1880s (image left.)

This settlement has an amazing history, settled by Catholic Bohemians in 1863 having been given land by Gov. Grey. They boot-strapped themselves into wealth by working the land, starting with next to nothing.

Grey’s thinking, I’m certain, was also to place these settlers so as to create a buffer to the north in case of any hostility from unfriendly Maoris. A cheap way for The State to get some warriors who would be an asset in defending New Zealand’s capital city, Auckland.

By Christmas 1863 those warriors were needed, but it wasn’t in the north. The Germanic mercenaries were sent to guard the women and children of Howick. During these scary times they brought their culture of carol singing, present gifting, and Christmas Trees to their British fellows.

This hotel dates from 1879 and you can buy it if you want. Has just gone up for sale this week¹ for the first time in some 60 years.


1 This information current as of January 2020; Ref. Stuff

Image ref. Puhoi hotel in the 1960s, Ron Clark; Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections

Image ref. a scene from a superb diorama at the Puhoi Heritage Museum.; AHNZ Archive (2019)

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Don't assume that a cultural norm is also functional.