March 31, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1918: Armistice Day

November 11, 2021


New Zealand history is well and truly on the move as differing relationships to today’s date clearly demonstrate. 11 November has, as of 1918, been Armistice Day. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, The Great War was over and done with, a turning point in our history, “least we forget.”

Out of touch with this fact, the new composition of New Zealanders are ready to drop Armistice Day and go to something new called Singles Day. This is not a Western commemoration but a Chinese commercialisation excuse similar to what Valentines day has been made into. Our media and advertising businesses will hasten the substitution from a somber cultural observance to a day for Chinese imports if only because there’s far more money to be made for them in sales than Armistice Day could ever deliver.

In a similar way, under the malaise of our cultural amnesia, there’s a new software pack being marketed to me on Youtube called ‘Wrike Project Management’. They pronounce it ‘Reich’ as in “Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany Third Reich (1933–1945.)” Apparently it’s a better way to get your projects managed than with a spreadsheet or emails.

Shop The Warehouse Singles’ Day Deals

Singles’ Day is the perfect time to single out treats just for you!

Held every 11 November and starting in China as a way to celebrate being single, now it’s become the shopping festival you don’t want to miss. The Warehouse Singles’ Day Sale has something for everyone, with sweet savings across the already great value range. Make your wishlist and add your favourite technology, some new clothing, gaming and electronics, something for your home and garden, or health and beauty!

We all deserve to treat ourselves now more than ever, so why not spoil yourself and your family with something special? Shop online or using our app, in store, or with home delivery or Click & Collect. – Ref. The Warehouse, 11/Nov/2021

“You’ve heard of Black Friday, you’ve heard of Cyber Monday, but have you ever heard of mega shopping bonanza Singles’ Day? If not, here’s what you need to know about Double 11. What is Singles’ Day?” – What to know about Singles’ Day, the world’s biggest shopping day of the year, The Spinoff (2020)

It’s a name that would only be accepted in a Millennial’s world for whom no red flags appear at the supplanting of Armistice Day for a Communist Chinese shopping occasion or at branding a workflow system after a Fascist Government’s workflow system!

Note, the Great War generation said in 1945 considered a radio telethon to be ‘high pressure salesmanship’ and ‘a cruel offence to the emotions of the community’. And this objection was a one-off fundraiser for a serious cause, helping our soldiers, not a consumerist festival for consuming more Chinese imports. Ref. Furore over Anzac Day radio appeal, 1945, Timespanner (2011); 1975: Telethon, AHNZ

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopts them- Mark Twain