1918: Pandemic: New Zealand vs. Tasmania
November 8, 2021
The 1918 influenza epidemic was a Government-created disaster. It spread so far and killed so many of us simply because The State put itself in charge of the response.
I know, this is an Anarchist point of view so of course that’s what I’m bound to say. But hear me out because this is exactly what happened…
* Assumption of martial responsibility.
* ‘Medical Theater’ in place of health.
* Control of drugs.
* Promotion of whiskey and stout as medicinal.
* Public gas chambers to congregate the sick and then poison them…
In 2018 when I wrote the above remarks it was in response to a New Zealand Geographic article written by Skye Wishart. In How The 1918 Flu Spread she remarked that, “In Tasmania, less than 0.1 per cent of the population succumbed”
“Tasmania’s experience of the global pandemic was of a very mild nature. Daily life continue in a relatively hum-drum fashion, punctuated by newspaper sensationalism relating to State-Commonwealth conflict or squabbles over quarantine regulations. The relatively small number of fatalities is an interesting fact that bears comment on in the conclusion. ” – Carnes thesis
Without researching and just based on spec I assumed, then, that the Tasmanian State did not effect any of the above state policy. In the three years since then New Zealand, Tasmania, and the world, has again been faced by a viral agent. What I wrote in 2018 about 1918 has held up pretty well when applied to the situation in 2021. The most important thing to be said about both epidemics was that it was government-caused. They don’t care if they kill us, so long as they stay in power.
It’s time now to go deeper and test my hypothesis about Tasmania. To do something New Zealand Geographic didn’t pay its correspondent enough to to. To find out why the Spanish Flu on the Tasmania’s islands was so much less harmful than on New Zealand’s islands. In particular, was it because The State Government didn’t exacerbate the problem in Tassie while ours did?
Anarchy 101: Any problem the Government involves itself in is only made much worse
1918: Government Placebos for Influenza
The Carnes Thesis, 1976
Craig Carnes is now a retired high school teacher and former Assistant Principal in Hobart. As a requirement for his BA at the University of Tasmania he answered the question asked above in his thesis. It’s full of useful quotes and references intended for future generations to learn from.
Indeed, Carnes has made some effort to inform the public about the expert knowledge he collected in several articles. By fate or destiny or choice, Carnes became one of the guardsmen in our society in 1976 watching for the next pandemic so he could raise the alarm and tell us what we needed to know. Unfortunately the public service information he has to share is paywalled at The Mercury newspaper where it can do no good.
Alison Branley at ABC news filtered some of Carne’s message in 2020 but that left out a whole lot of essential information that government media (and perhaps a government school administrator?) do not want the public to know about.
Alarmingly, less than 40 people have downloaded this important thesis over the past 12 months (ref chart.)
You can read the entire thesis here or read what Carnes has to say through a non-government filter below. Let’s see what he had to say…
The Spanish influenza pandemic in Tasmania, 1919 : a study of the impact and effect of influenza in Tasmania
Carnes notes that the most striking characteristic of the 1918 – 1919 pandemic was that it was killing people who had come of age; The 20-40 cohort. The previous pandemic of 1889-93 fell most harshly on infants and elderly. The 2020s pandemic is killing mostly old and weak people, though our mainstream will not admit it. Perhaps the survivors of the C19th had some immunity to the 1918 pandemic which their children had not?
“it is not hard to perceive that something is wrong when a twenty year old boy dies instead of his eighty year old grandmother. Why was this? Had the adult population developed partial immunity due to the outbreaks of influenza in preceding years or was it because the young of the world, the soldier, the nurse, the factory worker, were physically and mentally unable to overcome the challenges of the virus due to the many privations caused by the war? “
Carnes writes, “The invasion of influenza came almost as much of a surprise to the government as the people of Tasmania. The government’s unpreparedness manifested itself in a variety of ways – in lack of facilities available, inadequate supplies of vaccine, generally a lack of organisation.” Rather than being a bad thing, might not this lack of government “help” have been Tasmania’s saving grace? That was my question at the start and, as it turns out, the correlation every Anarchist and Libertarian expects is very much present.
“Thus the onus for flu-fighting fell on the individual municipal councils throughout the State. This is the essential characteristic of the outbreak that provides the substance of the unfolding drama.”
Localism was not failure, it was salvation. Keep this in mind as New Zealand’s Government today continues to try to Centralise and Segregate our health system.
Like New Zealand today, officials and troops enforcing quarantine on the public didn’t give a damn for their own. They would go from an infected ship to uninfected ships and places as if biology didn’t apply to them. One rule for the enforcers, another for the public.
“If these issues were not enough to set the Tasmanian public on fire then those of the mask and inoculation were. The former, because it was uncomfortable and impracticable, for example, when one is eating; the latter, because of its fallibility as a curative and the fact that many resisted it in any form because impure batches of serum still caused occasional mass fatalities.”
I’ve never read that New Zealand’s State tried to inject the public with an inoculation serum. Our government subjected us to poisonous zinc sulfate gas. The Australians were injecting their people in the arm with a serum that caused mass fatalities! That bit of information didn’t make it into the Australian Broadcasting Corporation version of Carne’s findings! Nor, unfortunately, does he elaborate.
John Cumpston was the first Director-General of the Australian Department of Health. He had the same job for Australia that our Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield has today for New Zealand.
During the 1918 pandemic, Cumpston’s main defense of mask-wearing was not that they did anything medically. Rather, they gave a “sense of protection to nervous persons.”
Doctors who pointed out that re-breathing one’s own expelled air was unhealthy not healthy were shot down. It was also pointed out that the 1918 masks, as in 2021, were as able to catch a virus as a fishing net catch a swam of flies. It didn’t matter.
“Cumpston defended the mask for a variety of reasons but mainly because it gave a sense of protection to nervous persons. One doctor criticized the wearing of masks on the grounds that it was farcical because in the fresh, open air and sunlight the mask cannot be a protection either against the exit or entrance of the flu germ. Secondly, it was dangerous because all those who wear masks are condemned to re-breathe the vitiated air after it is expelled from the lungs.”
“a large meshed fishing net bears about the same size relation to a swarm of flies as the common gauze mask bears to the influenza germs it is supposed to stop.”- Huon Times; Carnes
“Even so, the mask was eventually adopted in Tasmania and by February of 1919 it was compulsory to wear a mask in a public place or conveyance under the threat of £10 maximum penalty.”
Masks were made compulsory and masks were sold by The State (badly) and those who refused were punished by the Police! A black market in the useless and unhealthy masks was created as the public tried to avoid being punished for non-compliance.
Health theater in 1918. Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. The same has happened in the 2020s.
Carnes also remarks that all telephones belonging to banks and Federal offices were fitted with ‘formalin’ which I take to be formaldehyde. An 1918 equivalent to the hand sanitizer and spray that has become ubiquitous during our recent Victimhood Culture era.
“In some cases firms tried to make, inoculation compulsory under the threat of dismissal” Carnes writes. Sounds familiar. As do the poor organisation and the shortages of the innoculations.
The value of inoculation as a preventative was a topic of widespread discussion with little or no conclusive answers. Cumpston claimed that inoculation should be more widespread and based this on some vague mathematical assertion which indicated that the ratio of deaths in the inoculated arid un-inoculated groups were 5 to 24.”
Our Director of Health is more sophisticated. Our vague mathematical assertions all come from one single computer modelling firm and cost $6,000,000 plus. As today, the 1918 ‘jab’ did not stop the spread of the virus but it was claimed that it reduced it.
“The various states, as McQueen emphasizes, favored a free-for-all and bent quarantine regulations as they wished within the confines of their own borders. There was little or no appeal to a centralist policy at this time…A meeting of the Tasmanian Advisory Committee reflected the earlier arguments against submitting to federalist tyranny.” Of course Governments don’t want to give up power, especially not for some minor consideration such as saving lives. The welfare of the stock is not a farmer’s primary concern.
“Each local authority has to rely on its own resources, not merely in the matter of prevention,
but in the treatment of the disease should it occur. Each municipality must be prepared to take in hand the necessary arrangements, otherwise nothing will be done.” – The Advocate
The Tasmanian State Government left the pandemic response up to Localism. Saying, “each council should organize in its district for the protection of the local people. The expenses of such orgaization must be borne by the councils themselves.” Big Government isn’t really there to serve us or respond to crisis and this one knew it. They only step in to a crisis and pretend to help if by doing so they can increase their wealth and power. No such opportunity could be found so no intervention was made. Indeed, only by mustering a powerful lobby force did municipal communities manage to have the State Government give back their tax money to help the health efforts.
“Already overburdened and impoverished by months of flu preparations and maintenance of isolation centres the municipal councils proved a powerful lobbying force which finally persuaded the government to assist in their financial obligations. “
“Dissatisfaction arose mainly out of the strict enforcement of regulations in areas that were free of influenza such as Launceston.” Then, as now, areas were locked down by Central Government and prevented from being productive even though they were free of infection. Another lesson not learned from history.
“‘No landings’ was a political tool wielded by the Labour party to discredit the Nationalists in the coming May election. Their attack, at times desperate, had somewhat a shallow ring. Voters were not so easily fooled and subsequently returned the Nationalist with a huge majority.” The incumbent party in New Zealand, Labour 6.0, was also re-elected with an increased majority thanks to the politics of pandemic. The Opposition, National, don’t offer any radical alternatives as their Tasmanian counterparts once did. They’re content to wait for the current Government to wear out its welcome and slip up. How come the only people who learn from history are our politicians?
“On August the sixteenth when Tasmania was proclaimed to be ‘infected’ all libraries, schools, theaters, picture shows, public halls and other places for indoor resort or public entertainment
were closed. Religious services were allowed only under certain conditions..The public was thrown on the offensive by this shook enforcement of quarantine regulations almost at once critical retorts began to. flare.” Our Central government eventually did the same, placing our population in a hostage situation. The political advantage is obvious but took a while to organise. By taking firms, indeed entire industries, hostage it is possible for the Government to sell back the right to trade. It seems Tasmania’s Government had finally figured out ‘negative-economics’- how to get paid to stop taking value away. A modern version of the C16th Roman Catholic Church selling indulgences to ‘sinners’; But will these Tasmanians produce a Martin Luthor? New Zealand certainly has yet to do so.
“The enforcement of quarantine regulations in Tasmania occurred as early as February, 1919 and continued until December of that year when the virus had practically exhausted itself. Ironically, it was not altogether the disease itself which accentuated socio-economic dislocation but the regulations manifested to impede its progress.” T’was ever thus.
“Apples awaiting shipment rotted by the ton as commercial and health interests clashed.” New Zealand has known this trouble too. How often have we seen fruit growers in agony on the TV news trying to appeal to politicians to let them work? They seem unaware, as the Anarchist knows, that New Zealand is opperating under a Spoils System.
“The cry for Tasmanian owned ships appeared to emerge at a time of economic crisis, falter and die once the crisis period had passed. ..the majority of Tasmanians, save the commercial interests, preferred the diversion of shipping rather than relaxation of quarantine controls.” This happened in New Zealand too as Anarchist History posted at the time. The reality, if I can guess, is that the it was another State Craft trick: The Shakedown. The State Government of Tasmania back then, and New Zealand’s now, used the transport crisis and resulting popular support to threaten their own shipping line. If credible enough, this would upset commercial interests who would give concessions (perhaps actual money) to the Government to back off. It also serves to distract the public by the hopes of a White Elephant.
“Economic deterioration persisted. In May reports of wheat and flour shortages came from all over the State…Petrol rationing became established.” New Zealand has experience the same shortages and/or price hikes. What our Government had done to delay the impact, and worsen it, has been to inflate the currency outrageously through money printing. (Ref. “We are now into the sixth round of the wage subsidy since August, and…”; Covid-19 briefing: More than $5 billion in economic support paid out during Delta outbreak, NZH.) At least the Tasmanians knew what was being done to them while it was being done and could react to it. Again, the politicians with their State Shipping schemes and their commodity price interventions seem to have learned the history others don’t care to.
“The effects of Spanish influenza and consequent regulation enforcement was disastrous for the Tasmanian tourist trade.” New Zealand’s tourism has been all but destroyed, pending its hand-over to Labour 6.0 and their chosen winners. I’m applying Anarchist theory again here, opinion, that tourism has been deliberately taken hostage under pretense of health policy and will be destroyed or else converted to a Labour 6.0 asset.
“Meetings of stranded tourists both in the mainland and Tasmania placed considerable pressure on the Federal and local authorities to alleviate the problem.” Our politicians learned from history and solved this. Tourists are free to leave our Hostage ‘Hermit Kingdom’ for the free world so they wont talk or make a fuss. They just can’t come back.
“Public transport was struck a severe blow. Recent police harassment and booking of those found maskless on tramways led many to find alternative means of transport it was considered whether or not to curtail the service altogether…Many tram routes were cancelled.” Again, my opinion is that this was the deliberate destruction of an institution because Hobart City Council was not a patron of Premier Walter Lee’s Ministry. It should not surprise New Zealanders to find in the near future that Auckland Transport, Metlink Wellington, Transalpine, Bluebridge etc. change hands if they are not already under control of the government currently pushing them toward bankruptcy.
“Auckland Transport (AT) is haemorrhaging revenue as the cost of running trains and buses is being outpaced by the amount of money being made in fares due to Covid-19 restrictions.” – Ref. Stuff (Nov 2021)
“The example of council workers and the Public Service also reveals the government’s desire to look after ‘its own’ first and foremost.” Government workers are not market facing so they, and their friends and family, are the greatest cheerleaders of the Covid Crisis engineering.
“In industry whether wharf labouring or the picture theatre, the Nationalist government extended its points of contact to all parts of the economy. Without its aid many would have been ruined economically or deprived of basic human want.” The State crippled the free market then used the poverty it had created to extend the Welfare State.
“Reports of huge morbidity rates in Europe and even the larger, mainland states, forced many to hold the disease in awe and finally bow down before it in a timid submissiveness.” New Zealanders in the 2020s too have been informed by their media of mass deaths offshore and have become submissive. Like Tasmania in 1918 we didn’t need any death and harm per se, no evidence. Propaganda and was enough to convince us of obey.
“If the mask was uncomfortable then many were determined it would be fashionable.” In New Zealand today the useless and unhygienic masks have become a fashion item. We can tell who has committed to the farce by those who own individualised and decorated masks and those who simply don disposable ones in the expectation that this joke on us all will soon be over.
“The mammoth task of organizing defensive measures against influenza and aid for the needy fell on the heads of voluntary organizations and individual arrangements…The State government appeared unprepared to cope effectively with the sudden presence of the disease and encouraged philanthropy throughout the social ranks.” Surley, this is why Tasmania did so well while populations in other States, including New Zealand’s State-controlled pandemic, suffered massive death counts.
“The flu came as a welcomed break to students and teachers alike, the latter more so because they received full pay during the course of the epidemic.” When the Government runs the schools they can buy-off the teachers and so the children and parents who trust them and everyone touching their lives. The Government’s policy becomes sanctioned at no extra expense. It happened here that way too.
“Housing Bill was brought before the the House for reading. In its final stages it gave the government the power to acquire land or use crown land on which to build houses.” In our own time Government has also used the pretense of the pandemic to expand its powers over the housing market. Hobart City Council was again being made the ‘bad guy’ so it really seems like Lee’s Nationalist Ministry wanted a conquest.
“Influenza incited a review of the sewage systems. ..Health was now a political and official issue..” I would not be surprised to learn that Lee’s Ministry used their pandemic as an opportunity to nationalise the water infrastructure of their community the same way Labour 6.0 seeks to do with Three Waters.
Influenza created a solidarity because all were on the same side of the fence, all were being attacked by the same enemy.” Labour 6.0 exploited this solidarity in their first term, calling it “The Team of Five Million. “Perhaps it may not be an exaggeration to state that the Nationalist victory in the May election of 1919 may have been aided by the public’s general consensus that the government’s struggle against influenza had been significant.” There’s no doubt that Labour 6.0 in 2020 used the same playbook. Ref. The Lockdown Election and “Is this a COVID election?”
““When people ask, is this a Covid election, my answer is yes, it is,” Ardern told her supporters in Auckland Saturday. The prime minister has said no one wants it to be, “but it has been our new reality, and one that the team of 5 million have made work in the most extraordinary way”.”- Jacinda Ardern campaign launch; The Guardian (Aug 2020); “Is this a COVID election?”, NZB3 (Aug 2020)
“Critics rallied at the government because of inconsistencies evident in quarantine regulations.” New Zealand has experienced this history repeating many times. From Health Minister David Clark demoted after taking beach trip amid lockdown or the Prime Minister’s maskless mingling to Siouxsie Wiles playdate1. True, one rule for the enforcers, another for the public. However, these inconsistencies also help to focus the public on the rules because as we’re busy following them and exposing rule-breakers we have internalised all the rules beyond question. We talk about obeying the rules, not about whether we should be obeying the rules. If they can get you to ask the wrong questions they don’t care about the answers.
1 Ref. New Shub
Image ref. Policemen in Hobart, Pretyman Collection, Archives Office of Tasmania
Image ref. Carnes, Elizabeth College
2 thoughts on "1918: Pandemic: New Zealand vs. Tasmania"
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I’m an anti vaxxer, I’ve seen the vaxxed film, and more, I read a book! I think it was : https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B00E7FOA0U/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_d_asin_title_o07?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I had to scroll back a few years on amazon, and pretty sure it’s no longer available, kinda opposes the mainstream narrative.
I can’t recall the conspiracy theory behind “Spanish” flu, didn’t is start on an American military outpost as a result of some form of inoculation?
I don’t know why it’s so shamefl to be an anti vaxxer, everyone says “I’m not an antivaxxer, but…” Why not out yourselves?
I likewise struggle with all these people falling into the vaxine narrative, waiting for somebody to save them, endlessly repeating tropes on fb, asking for permission to avoid the deadly toxin mandate?
I say ‘who’s asking?’Not Me, I’m not asking permission.
BTW, Alcoa went back to (aus?)govt and said “hey buddy, if we’re mandating these kill shots to our employees, who’s taking the liability, as yet no response, but Alcoa is no longer enforcing the mandate.
Over here, in WA our emergency powers are almost expired, time for another lockdown me thinks?
Our state premiere announced a raft of restrictions, not passed into law, just an announcement.
I’m asking my employer if they are coercing us will they accept liarbillytea? Is this a part of a new enterprise agreement etc.
The premiere’s announcement flies in the face of fair work employment conditions, and human rights and discrimination in employment.
My guess us they’ll roll over when challenged, after they have most of the country inoculated with their gene therapy disguised as a vax…
> “didn’t is start on an American military outpost as a result of some form of inoculation?”
Actually, the first time I heard that was in reading The Carnes Thesis.
He mentions that it was related to an over-crowded military base in Kansas.