March 31, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1942: The Maori War Effort Organisation

October 14, 2020


The Maori War Effort Organisation formed in July 1942. What was that? It was The State giving Maoris a little temporary permission to organise and unify because it wanted to extract soldiers, fundraising, and moral/political support for the war.

This worked, and the Organisation exceeded the Government’s Native Department in services to Maoris to the point of inciting resentment of its success where Government failed (Proving Anarchy works, once again.)

“The Native Department was resentful of the MWEO’s success, and what it saw as the encroachment on its own activities.  Love, who interviewed Rex Mason for his thesis, stated that he “had had little contact with Maoris in the community”, and “viewed his portfolio in purely administrative terms and seemed unable to accept or understand the special needs Maoris felt necessary for the development of Maori society”.”- THE MĀORI CONFERENCE OF OCTOBER 1944; Maori Home Front

Having used up the Maori people, especially sending 600+ to die and 2,000+ wounded, Labour 1.0 now had to put their toy soldiers away. Why, they might start thinking and acting for themselves! We can’t have that.

We return home, “..not as conquering heroes, but as the remnants of a proud force.”- Maori Battalion Commander, Lieutenant-Colonel James Henare upon arrival in Wellington, c.Jan/1946¹

The October 1944 Maori Conference² put the awakened and united Maori Genie back into the bottle. Prime Minister Peter Fraser, in his speech, claimed to be the father, the parent, the guardian, of the Maori race itself!

“…Peter Fraser gave the initial address.  The speech focused on the need to move forward in a positive manner, in a spirit of friendship and cooperation.  He also declared that, as Prime Minister, “he was charged with the duty of parenthood of the Maori people; that he was to a very real extent the guardian, advocate and the father of the Maori race.”…he was clear that “The Native Department is to be retained as the medium by which Government assistance is to be given to the Maori people in land settlement and the social organization”.”ibid, Maori Home Front

For an encore, Fraser then bestowed similar blessings upon Polish refugees in front of the cameras even though he was simply stuffing *them* into an internment camp up at Pahiatua.

Those who could not be divided and perturbed, or killed and wounded, Labour 1.0 assimilated into their public service bureaucracy. Thus the Dignity Culture Maori energy was subverted by The State³. Not until the 1960s/70s did it need to be hit on the head again when a new generation rose up in search of their rights⁴. (On that occasion the Boomer Honour Culture Maoris were even easier to distract and misdirect to impotence and they have yet to recover.)

1 Ref. p14 After the War; Michael King (1988)

2 “In 18-20 October 1944”; Ref. Maori Home Front

3 Note: The Government also propagandised about its “Rehab Farms” for Maoris. This astonishing video shows Maori war veteran families at Huramua (Wairoa, Hawkes Bay) living the life ideal to Western Nuclear Families. Here they found Dignity Culture but was it authentic and from within or was it designed by people like White Patriarch Peter Fraser?; Ref. New Zealand National Film Unit presents Weekly Review No. 402; Archives NZ; 2:55, Youtube

Note: Many of the Huramua settlers in the above video are in graves much endangered by the Wairoa River and there is a plan to exhume them; Ref. Stuff

4. ie Nga Tamatoa; Ref. AHNZ

Ref. also “Because Labour 1.0 was composed of low-skilled and minimally-educated union officials a man like Mason had to cover a lot of bases.”- 1941: Defiant Bureaucrat Killed in Minister’s Office

Ref. also 1944: Little Poland

Image ref. Cap. James Henare; Motatau Marae – Namatahi; Facebook



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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Compulsion is the lifeblood of misanthropy