February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1974: Abortion

September 16, 2019


Today in history, 16 September, 1974, New Zealand Police raided the country’s first abortion clinic. These were days of furious ‘debate’ between Pro-Lie and Pro-Choice political factions.

Our history of aborting pregnancies is full of mad people acting out their psychodramas, drowning out any sane voices. How else could it be around such a basic biological driver as reproduction? Most of our consumption choices are peripheral to determining who gets to mate with who and what reproductive strategy is being rewarded. Investing in expensive jewellery, make-up, or a expensive cars to attract the opposite sex drive billions of dollars worth of our time and effort. Yet all the primary and secondary sexual characteristics on Earth are less than nothing compared to the god-like power to rule on who gets to have babies and who does not.

Control of reproduction is the Bull’s Eye target of what our reproductive drive aims at in its purest form. Those among us who have no higher calling than their biology, no philosophy, no spirit of individuality, are sent like kamikaze ants to battle as instruments of this or that reproductive strategy. Some fight over abortion for K-selection, some for r-selection, in a war for a power that should never be. It makes fools of them all and a mass of human pain and suffering. Only The State makes it possible.

Auckland Medical Aid Centre

Abortion law changes swept the world during the r-selected upsurge in 1970(+/-) and New Zealand followed suit. Abortion USA became legal after Roe v. Wade (22/1/1973) and likewise legal in Australia through judicial activism not by any law change. Britain, however, passed the Abortion Act (1967) which introduced the change by a statute. Cultural colony that we are, New Zealand was reactive to changes on the world stage.

When Auckland Medical School was created its founders could scarcely conceive of ‘The Little Pink House’ annex. Here, renegade priest (Methodist, doubtless) Dr Rex Hunton and Dr Felix Donnelly created a medical haven for abortion-seekers and homosexuals. This evolved into Auckland Medical Aid Centre (AMAT) which opened (17/5/1974) as New Zealand’s first abortion clinic in a modified residential home in Remuera.

Breaking the law, r-selected adventurers simply started to offer abortions and contraception hoping for no consequences. Dr Hilary Weeks broke the law many times at AMAT and Dr. Margaret Sparrow admits to having risked 14 years in jail for doing the same.

“‘I think that was the first time I ever broke any medical law’..Weeks..said she did that many times before the law changed.”¹

Within 2 months of AMAT, a rival, K-selected, group called Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (SPUC) met the Prime Minister. Typically of Dignity Culture tactics, SPUC did everything above board by meeting with Ministers, writing briefs, and promoting legislation rather than breaking the laws. (Being an era of Victimhood Culture, such honest tactics were doomed as an inferior strategy.) Prime Minister Kirk was sympathetic and his wife, Lucy, an anti-abortion activist who marched on the streets herself. Within about 1 month a private members bill was ready to go, Hospitals Amendment Bill (‘The Wall Bill’,) when something happened to abort it just before reading: The Death of Kirk. According to SPUC, the papers on the PM’s person as he died (perhaps in this very image) are their supporting documents and the same that led to the Police raid on AMAT.


The SPUC opposition on AMAT, culminating in the raid of September 16th, was a strategic move of Streisand-level folly. Instead of shooting down the r-selected factions it united them around a common cause and galvanised them into unity. The Wall Act passed in 1977 and AMAT did shut down but simply re-constituted itself with the support of its swelling ranks by buying a legally recognised private hospital in Epsom.

SPUC had the letter of the law and abortion remains in the Crimes Act to this day² but AMAT had consolidated an r-selected victory in the New Zealand gene wars. Only one Member of Parliament voted against The Wall Act (aka ‘The Knitting Needle Bill‘) and she was Mary Batchelor (Avon,) a mother in her late 40s who we will return to shortly.

They’re All Insane

The r-selected faction represented by AMAT essentially don’t respect individual human life at all. A defining r-selected trait is to view mankind not as individuals but as an amorphous blob of sameness. They do care for their young in their own fashion, true to their own goals which shock the K-selected mother. An r-kid may be interchangeable with a pet, secondary to a woman’s career, and you can have as many as you like and send them to daycare because (so the r-Mum accepts) children don’t require close attachments. The r-selected faction demands abortion as a casual contraception option. They are unable to conceive of the pregnancy they are terminating as involving a living person, only as an extension of their own body. The r-selected women in this Spinoff video think of aborting a baby as casually as they think of any personal health decision…

“How annoying…I, a grown woman, who can make responsible decisions for herself, must cross my fingers and hope the doctors let me do what’s best for me.”

Mantras such as “a woman’s right to choose” are pretty effective at bamboozling a K-selected because they’re all for individual rights and have no argument to offer! But the r-selected is only saying this for the purposes of gaining territory, they don’t believe any such thing and especially not with respect to the life that is most at stake: the unborn baby.

Remember, the K-selected groups such as SPUC are no less NPCs being pushed along like puppets of reproductive forces of nature than their rivals. They want just as badly to command the power of the State to force children to be inducted into the K-selected world. Their preferred method of contraception is that potential parents form a strong pair bond, marry, and plan a family together before becoming sexually active. Knowing that there is no Kill Switch, potential parents will thus think long and hard about choosing quality mates in the first place and wont risk pregnancy at all unless it’s for keeps. Failing that, they want any little proto-human conceivable as being alive protected as a human whose abortion is the same as murder. To force this point home, many activists (almost always Christian) project their own trauma by exposing others to dead babies. They present elaborate models and share graphic images of abortion in an analogical way that some animal rights activists do over animal slaughter.

“A human foetus in a jar competed against white carnations as the emblems of an emotive and exhausting abortion law reform debate in 1977…..The 12-week-old pickled foetus was held aloft by pro-life Labour MP Brian MacDonell…”- Stuff

Our history of aborting pregnancies is full of mad people acting out their psychodramas, drowning out any sane voices. Someone, some time, needs to break this stupid Statist biological deadlock and bring philosophy to bare on the subject (as with the silly race debate that never ends.) Both sides look past each other, dull tools of ancient organic jousting rather than the Enlightened individuals they could choose to be.

A Modest Theory of What’s Really Going On

Can’t be an Anarchist without the conviction that we humans can rise above our base biological Group Think nature. We individuals can be more than collateral damage toward getting some meme or gene over the line for the glory of some self-replicating heartless chemical reaction cascading through time! But when it comes to think about those of us who don’t rely on philosophy: Evolutionary Game Theory rules.

Anything that involves access to resources will involve a bit of strategy and slight of hand. We are focusing now on female primates. A female primate, qua female primate, will never feed or take care of an other female primates offspring. The reason is that in a world with limited access to resources, it gives her offspring a relative advantage.

In the pro-abortion side we observe a group of older female primates tricking their competition into not having children. Their base-of-the-brain instinct from the dawn of time advises them this will leave more resources for their own offspring or themselves. The one Member who voted against Wall’s Act in 1977 was Mary Batchelor who, by then in her late 40s, had already had her children and needed only now to do what she could to limit the competition of young, fit, fertile women and the babies they had the potential to bring to term.

Likewise, New Zealand’s great champion of abortion, Dr Margaret Sparrow (above,) was in her early 40s and mother of 2 by the time she started assisting and advising competing young women to defer or delay being mothers. American immigrant Terry Bellamak, President of Abortion Rights Aotearoa (ALRANZ) is another mature white woman but has no past biography shared. Predecessor Morgan Healey (PhD) also bungeed in from the USA (since spung back again) to help Kiwi women not start families. Could the correlation be that maturing r-selected white women, usually with children of their own, are trying to block out their competition for resources?

The explanation deserves skeptical testing but who can deny that the pro-abortion message does transmit this way? Always there are older women, perhaps Gender Studies professors, lecturing younger women (eg students) in methods that will repel quality men and resources and, especially, family life. On the surface it is apparently scientific and well-intended educational guidance for living on planet Earth. The sort of thing you can get a degree in and a job doing. However, the practical effect is to take the young fertile women out of circulation leaving the ageing instructors to command the field.

Observe this recent video where the older women are leading the chant (in an American accent) to convince the younger ones not to compete with them on this abortion bus. Wherever you see abortion advocacy you see older women who have already exercised their own reproductive power inducting younger women to stay out of the resource consumption competition they’re in.

“Wherever you see abortion advocacy you see older women who have already exercised their own reproductive power inducting younger women to stay out of the resource consumption competition they’re in.”

Now this ancient drive would work beautifully in prehistory to help impressionable young ladies go away. It’s the same clever Evolutionary Game Theory tricks men use on young men by exhausting them with rowing or sending them to war or requiring trade licences or price floors to raise barriers to entry. (“Got to stop those young, energetic, smart, hungry young people from taking “our” property and jobs,” say the Baby Boomers!) But surely it’s not succeeding in the modern world?

Pregnancy termination is for the young. Consider how many mothers and children would be created to compete with existing mothers in the absence of these abortions…

Abortions are shifting from white people to Maori, Pacific, and Asian New Zealanders…

Since the above graph (2013) the number of European abortions has again fallen at a much higher rate leaving everyone else in the dust. The number of white babies being aborted has dropped by a further 1000 to sit at 7,283 for the year 2016. It seems that the white woman’s propaganda is fooling the competing gene pools into race suicide! Especially when we factor in population proportion; Europeans can afford a higher abortion rate per head of population but our Pacific and Maori communities have fewer people to lose.

My perception of the pro-abortion game is that it is simply the female version of market intervention in the commercial economy. Instead of making young lads waste their prime years earning degrees or running their muscles sore on the spot….protecting the legal or medical or building or plumbing or property…it’s all about fertility. The female’s version of the same regulatory capture is to cut out competing groups for the romantic and maternal economy by poisoning the brains of their rivals. Tell them it’s about safety and freedom, tell them it’s they way to happiness, tell them it’s better for the planet.

I suspect that the elder white women who have cheated the young, the Maori, the Pacific, the Asians, break away and smirk about the trick they have played. Unconsciously, perhaps, it must be nevertheless satisfying to get away from the ‘mark’ that has been duped to celebrate among other elder white women and cackle about the mind hack you and your “sisters” have performed at the expense of the gullible.


1 Ref. Fighting To Choose; Werewolf.co.nz

2 As I write, this is up for review for the first time in a long time (2019)

Image ref. Protesters outside AMAT, Remuera; NZ Herald

Image ref. Batchelor, Dominion Post Collection; Alexander Turnbull Library; NZ History.govt

Image ref. Michele A’Court, mother of 1; The Spinoff

Image ref. Morgan Healey of ALRANZ; Facebook

Ref. The Knitting Needle Bill, verhuetungsmuseum.at

Ref. Abortions stats by age; Stats NZ

Ref. Abortions by ethnicity; Lindsay Mitchell

With credit to Shane Delaney who set me on this line of thought but can take none of the blame for what I did with it.

Update: Added in a pic of from the Spinoff video featuring white women guiding a brown woman through the process of reducing the number of brown babies born in New Zealand. According to the modest theory this can be no simple accident, nor is their wardrobe.


2 thoughts on "1974: Abortion"

  1. D. Wilson, USA says:

    Wow, blaming older women, with children, promoting abortion, to cut down on their children’s competition in life, is the biggest pile of you know what, I have ever read. Three cheers to the people that dared to give women a choice in their lives! They are true Hero’s. I respect every women’s Right To Choose. D. Wilson, USA

    1. AHNZ says:

      Thanks for your comment. Least people think you’re only proving my point by saying what the steretypical older woman from the USA is predicted to say because you are 3/3 of those things…..

      What’s your argument?

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first thing to be bought and sold are legislators.- P J O'Rourke