1978: Looking Back on 1978
August 12, 2019
I bet Oamaru don’t really have a time portal back to 1978. Fun little report from Julian Lee in the video clip below. Couple of other interesting things about 1978…
- Ravensdown was in the news for rising to become fertiliser company supreme; This week (2018) they’re in the news for having their factory burn down in Christchurch.
- The meat industry is in crisis, leading to closures and protests in this year.
- Which was also a drought year.
- Bastion Point occupation.
- Social Credit rose to political office as wonky economic times lead to wonky economic thinkers.
- Split Enz had found their new sound were shortly to release their new album, Frenzy
- National 3.0 re-elected to Government to preside over these Slave Culture years
- The era of New Zealand Punk was underway to bust us out of SC
- Abbotsford’s landslide had already begun
- The kids were wearing orange and brown

Anarchist History of New Zealand: Time is not a movement forward but a regurgitation that is simply better dressed each time it comes up. (Gordon McLauchlan)