March 31, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1984: The Fall of Fortress New Zealand

July 18, 2023


Today in history, 18 July, 1984, Fortress New Zealand ended. Against out-going National 3.0 Prime Minister Rob Muldoon the new government “devalued” the national currency.

Of course, governments cannot really bestow or revoke value at all but they can hold others at gunpoint and make them pretend to. That is what we did after our post-war ‘Golden Weather High’ ended; We faked it. New Zealand society hadn’t wanted to face up to its economic problems during those years and Muldoon facilitated that for willing voters with his financial morphine. Instead of using our abilities to meet new challenges we put all we had into avoiding them. We preserved ourselves like a ship in a bottle; A Fortress.

Muldoon’s people wanted to go on believing New Zealand could still train and keep leading doctors and develop our own pharmaceuticals. Defend ourselves. Build our own televisions and cars. Manufacture things. Make toys. Have chocolate factories and not have to import Pineapple Lumps from Tasmanians. Run our own call centres. Own our own banks and newspapers and publish our own books and songs. Continue to have heavy industry, to mine, and to pull off athletic and inventive miracles.

We had a Fortress built to protect us from the truth that these things were slipping away. As a result we didn’t act to hold on to them. Didn’t innovate, didn’t stay competitive or productive. So when we finally did let Muldoon’s Fortress go and re-engage with reality the shock and grief were terrible.

Image ref. Richard Harman interviews Muldoon in his slippers on the last night before the Fortress was breached; Revolution (1996)

Ref. “The banks and the Dairy Board, Meat Board and the Wool Board and so on, made killings. We all knew it was coming and so what you did was delay the repatriation of your overseas receipts.” – Kiwi still flying 25 years after devaluation, NZ Herald (2009)

Note: “….up until the early 1970’s we were Britain’s farm in the South pacific, and everything was good…..then two events changed everything for this country…the UK joined the ECC, the Arab oil crisis in 1973…..and things have never been the same again…..Muldoon became prime minister in 1975, and his Think big projects very much State centred, whereas Labour’s Roger Douglas was the opposite, and all for the free market economics…the reverse of their traditional ideologies….ironic” – Jarrod Willoughby, comment on AHNZ, Meta (2024)

One thought on "1984: The Fall of Fortress New Zealand"

  1. John Hurley says:

    There was a series about the economy back then. It compared the number of lambs required to buy a tractor. It was 300 then 2000 (or something).
    What is never talked about is that 1984 was the start of Asian immigration (“that’ll teach the racists!!!!”).

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: To have a catchword in your mouth is not the same thing as to hold an opinion; still less is it to have made one for yourself- Robert Louis Stevenson