February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1988: Labour Goes Full Victimhood

September 3, 2019


The Old Left were a Slave Culture who wanted to be ‘looked after’. Plain folk, descended from serfs or Workhouse inmates or clans-folk (The word clan is derived from the Gaelic clann meaning “children.”) They don’t have any trust/faith in anything so abstract as institutions of law or custom. They were the voting plantation of Labours 1-3.

The 90° tipping point came in on 3 September 1988 as Jim Anderton, representing the Old left, lost the presidential vote to Ruth Dyson of the New. Since then, Labours 4-6 have made an electoral plantation of the Victimhood Culture and left the old working class behind to expire unrepresented.

The New Left champion Victimhood Culture. They are descended from Workhouse Union delegates and the middle-men of chiefs and lords. They are abstract thinkers who revel in using rules and contingencies, laws and customs, to affect change. Unlike SC they’re totally willing to personally face up and demand what they consider their rights. They need people to look after, they need for there to be downtrodden to represent so they can fulfil their social purpose even if that means re-defining upwards what poverty or inequality means. They themselves are never poor and nor do they want to socialise with or be familiar with or proximal with these Slave Culture people; They just want to administer and shepherd them. The downtrodden is their raison d’être for assuming power to regulate and expropriate wealth in society and for this they expect to be well paid in honours and cash.

Image ref. Labour’s Dunedin Conference: Returning To The Scene Of The Crime.; Bowalley Road

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: The State cheats the deluded people with a show of liberty which yet they never must taste