February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1992: A City Possessed

October 11, 2023


In New Zealand communities are as prone to hoaxes and moral panics as much as any other country in the world. Enlightened people think for themselves and reason independently however the majority of a given population subsist in what Carl Sagan called The Demon-Haunted World. the outlook is basically Medieval but instead of ghosts, spirits, kaitiaki, charms, etc. the modern Pagan refers to Experts, The Government, “vaccinations,” Science, The News, etc. Those who believe in witches will inevitably, from time to time, instigate Witch Hunts. The arrest of Peter Ellis on  30 March, 1992, was such a case.

A great moral panic gripped New Zealand in the early 1990s thanks to a confluence of what we today would identify as ‘Woke’ ‘Social Justice Warrior’ movements. It is for this that AHNZ calls this time period the Satanic Panic Victimhood Culture era.

The fall guy was early childhood teacher Peter Ellis. Amazingly, only in  2022 has the law caught up with a book Hood published over 20 years ago. Ellis has been exonerated. Like Minie Dean (who Hood also wrote about) it’s too late for Ellis who died in 2019. Ref. 1895: Our Execution Of Minnie Dean, AHNZ

Lynley Hood’s 2001 book A City Possessed: The Christchurch Civic Creche Case made a convincing read about what happened with Ellis. I remember attending her talk during the book tour at the bowling club at Auckland Domain back then. From the reading of the book there are extensive notes I will make into a more detailed post for AHNZ in the future. I think it merits study as the defining event of that Satanic Panic Victimhood Culture. The corresponding Slave Culture era that always follows a Victimhood Culture time period should be called Stackhat Slave Culture for similar reasons. Ref. 1994: The Stackhat Deception, AHNZ

Without getting too deep into a thinker like Rene Girard the explanation for these panics seems clear enough. When people who do not think for themselves commit to an action that proves disastrous they look for somebody else to Scapegoat. We saw this with the The Temple Of Truth  incident in 1890s Christchurch when a religious leader was turned upon and nearly lynched. We saw it in 1860s Canterbury many times such as when Reuben Waite’s gold prospectors processed their initial failure as being his fault and so tried to lynch him too.

Huge foreign policy decisions such as invading South Africa, fighting in the Great War, quitting the ANZUS pact, and supporting Volodymyr Zelenskyy in The Ukrane all follow the same pattern.  However, these are cases where we turn Scapegoating outward and then cover it up with monuments and propaganda afterwards. Frequently the hate is turned inward on ourselves.

The place that hired Peter Ellis, as Anarkiwis will be unsurprised to know, was government-owned. The Christchurch Civic Creche. Was a hive of Lefty Deviant Progressives who, of course, rely on productive people’s money to exist. A criminal fraudster, Ellis was taken on by this Council institution to look after children in what became a permanent role. Eventually the public, and the parents, lost their nerve when it came to the deviant grooming of their kids either because the environment became too toxic or because cultural tastes changed. I think the community suppressed and repressed their discomfort with how the Creche was run, such as premature sexualisation of children, until their feelings became too strong to contain. They burst out and looked for somebody to Scapegoat and that was Peter.

The Government added further fuel to this fire by offering $10,000 in ‘support money’ for anyone who felt they needed it (thanks to ACC- ref. 1972: Accident Compensation Corporation.) When people who do not think for themselves commit to an action that proves disastrous they look for somebody else to Scapegoat. Taking the money, investing in a cause, deploying doctors and specialists and social workers,…it would have required far more integrity than Christchurch could call upon to reverse course. A worthy Scapegoat, with a fantastic hoax story of child abuse, had to be found.

Either we were some very bad people who got carried away, a City Possessed, or else somebody very bad had to take the rap. We needed a ‘Vile Hun’ to burn on the mountain, a Minni Dean, a Paul Kruger, Adolf Hitler, a Vladimir Putin. Someone to pile on the sins of the tribe and then exile away so they would take our wrong away by the Transference of Evil (Ref. The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (1890.)

So, Peter Ellis in 1993 was sentenced to 10 years in prison. His conviction was quashed in 2022 but by then he was long dead; Humans do not live healthy lives in captivity. Government justice is very slow.

Yes, people are stupid. But don’t lose sight to the main point! The Government subsidises stupidity, pours money on it, enables it, sews it, harvests it, thrives on it.

The Government, Radio New Zealand, is thriving again from this story. They have just issued a 12-part podcast about the case called Conviction. I’m part-way through listening to it.

2 thoughts on "1992: A City Possessed"

  1. Gary Bannan says:

    I live in Christchurch and I continue to be dismayed at the politically correct and “bandwagon” mentality that infests this wonderful city.

    1. AHNZ says:

      Yes indeed. I read a passage in Hood’s book that influenced me to not only study it fully but also led to starting this history page. The rest of the book didn’t always live up to it but this bit was magic to me.

      That: Christchurch has always been different from other cities and equally famous for Englishness and class distinction as it has for CRANKS and ZEALOTS

      In Christchurch messionic zealots gather a following, patrons, and go on to change the world! In other cities those people are gently patted on the head and told to keep taking their pills.

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.- P J O'Rourke