February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1993: Wellington’s City to Sea Bridge

December 19, 2024


Wellington’s City to Sea Bridge (est.1993) was a creation of Paratene Matchitt from Napier (why can’t locals produce their own culture?) It cost $2,300,000 at the time. Matchitt indifferent to what the customer would think of it.

Rather than relating to New Zealand, the expensive decorations look more like some heathen Aztec totem pole keeled over. It’s supposed to be whales and giant sea gulls.

“It just seemed like a bloody good idea,” he laughed. As for the public’s reaction, Mr Matchitt said: “I’ve got no idea. I’ve done my job.” And, “I reckon people are going to hate it or love it.” – Evening Post (1993,) Wellington City Recollect

“It’s horrible. I can’t work it out. I know it’s two whales but they look like two hunks of wood” – ibid

“I’m not sure if they are supposed to be old Aztec symbols or signs” – ibid

“Although Matchitt was a leading figure in contemporary art in New Zealand since the 1960s his work is currently not celebrated due to his criminal conviction. Matchitt was jailed for two and a half years in 2001, convicted of sexually abusing…” – Wiki

“Actor Sam Neill is calling the decision to demolish a Wellington bridge a “shameful piece of vandalism”…Wellington’s City to Sea Bridge will be gone by 2026, after councillors gave permission for the structure to be demolished in early December. Neill says the decision is “mediocre thinking” and he is outraged at Wellington City Council for making it..” – Southland Times (19/12/24)

What do you think? I reckon we can let this one go.

Image ref. Paul McCredie, The Spinoff (2024)

Note: Co-designed by Senior lecturer in architecture (Victoria University) John Gray. But according to today’s paper only 30 years later, “Seismic reports found the City to Sea Bridge and the old Capital E building beneath it to be earthquake prone. Officials were concerned the bridge could collapse in an earthquake, injuring or killing those walking over it and driving underneath.” Which preposterous thing are we to believe?


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Beuraucracy expands to keep up with the needs of an expanding bereaucracy- Isaac Asimov