January 22, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2000: The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park

August 26, 2020


Without Government, who would trash our marine environment?

The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act (2000) was a Labour 5.0 law to take State control in the Gulf. In February 2020 the Labour 6.0 Prime Minister’s partner, Clarke Gayford, hosted the 20 year anniversary birthday celebration event.

20 years since The State took over running the place and the birthday feels much more like a funeral, says James Frankham.

“In 2000, New Zealand established its first national park of the sea, the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park…Twenty years later, the creation of the park has failed to prevent ecosystem collapse.”

‘Failed to prevent’ they say. Caused, I say.

“Last week the government body charged with administering the park, the Hauraki Gulf Forum released a report highlighting what had changed over those two decades….In 2000, 4% of the seabird species in the gulf were threatened with extinction. Today, 22% are.”

Good work The State.

“The dairy industry is another disruptive factor.”

Rule #1: Try to blame farmers for Government’s mess.

“Now, the kelp and the crays are almost gone….The entire seascape is an impoverished and degraded landscape.”

Make no mistake, not Helen Clark’s Labour 5.0 nor any Government cares about preserving the terrestrial or marine environment. All Governments ever wish to do is to be in control. They will put on any face and shine any signal required to gain the people’s sanction so they can do what they really want to do.

Most people are Statists because they have their teleology backwards. They think Governments are what the propaganda tells them they are, basically well-meaning and well-spoken men and women of conviction and values. The Statist is just puzzled about why their Beehive Friends keep misspending money or committing fraud or adultery or driving entire industries off of cliffs.

Anarchists have the teleology right. We say that Government has the primary agenda of defrauding citizens, promoting their corporate allies, and punishing their political enemies. Like a drug lord, their priority is the business. Secondarily, they use some of the proceeds for publicity purposes. They dress up what they do in whatever is popular in the moment, whatever you want to hear, so they can keep doing what they please behind the scenes. Find me a successful drug lord who has no reputation for generosity!

Statists focus on what politicians say. Anarchists focus on what politicians do.

Image ref. Richard Robinson; The Guardian

Note: Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000 gained Royal Assent and came into force on 27 February, 2000; Ref. legislation.govt.nz

Update (Feb 2022:) Do you like it and let it happen when their control is called ‘Maori Co-Governance’ and devotes some PR money to photo shoots with sober serious brown tattooed faces in boats? Then that’s what they’ll do. Ref. Alarm over plans to transfer Auckland regional parks into a new body, NZ Herald (Jan 2022)


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: What the government gives it must first take away. --- John S. Coleman