February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2005: Monument to Kiwi Vanity

August 22, 2018


November 2005, John Cleese, best known as a co-founder of Monty Python, went on tour in New Zealand…and attacked Palmerston North!

Performance artists on press tours always need to either praise or attack the locality they are in so they can get publicity for their show. Visitors to New Zealand have a long history of doing this. It may even be that the local agents in New Zealand, Kiwis, know the market and put them up to it!

“If you wish to kill yourself but lack the courage to, I think a visit to Palmerston North will do the trick.”- Cleese

Bruce Springsteen played a little of Lorde’s ‘Royals’ when he visited Auckland.

Steven Spielberg, the great director, praised New Zealand for its light.

etc etc

Heck, fighting back with Mt. Cleese is simply the politicians playing the same game; Pulling on the strings of our vanity to get attention for their content. What is politics except show business for ugly people?

Ref. Pahiatua and district pics old and new.

Ref. “From 10 November to 9 December 2005, Cleese toured New Zealand with his stage show ‘John Cleese — His Life, Times and Current Medical Problems’.”; Montypythonfandom

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: The State cheats the deluded people with a show of liberty which yet they never must taste