February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2020: Generation Z and COVID-19

April 2, 2020


Generation Z, the ‘Zoomers’, are having a very predictable reaction to the COVID-19 Lock Down.

Generation Z were those born after Sept 11 2001. The cut-off would be being born before March 15 2019 or perhaps 25 March 2020. That is, between the 9/11 incident and the Christchurch Massacre/’COVID-19′ Lock Down.

The most defining thing about Gen Z is that they grew up in the wake of Victimhood Culture Millennials as their finger-wagging older brothers, prefects, tutors, teachers, media priests, policemen, and politicians. They have had to learn to stand upright and grow in this stunting, superior, environment.

“Gen Z kids were sceptical but had learned the hard way that questioning the causality or logic or validity of such a presentation was a thought crime.”

“Who wouldn’t detach personally from PC Principal and her rainbow coloured here’s-your-participation-certificate lackeys pushing Social Justice mantras on you?”

“They’re groomed to be Slave Culture now, they’re destined to be artists.”- 2000s: Generation Z; AHNZ

The Zoomer/Gen Z of 2020 is anywhere between toddler and 20yo, give or take. They have been groomed, especially in school classrooms, as masters of Scepticism Culture. For the survival of their very ego they have peer-bonded and are dismissive of authority as a matter of reflex. A Slave Culture, they do not confront their tormentors (it would do no good) but find loopholes and excuses within the imperfect disciplinary system imposed upon them. They have turned ‘the dog ate my homework’ into an aesthetic masterpiece. They’ve faced the tired old scenario of the whole classroom being punished for the acts of a single student a thousand times and know how to handle that old tactic…they are masters of loopholes and disobedience…

“A NZ Herald video hows about 10 young people spilling from the backpackers, some carrying bottles of beer, for a photograph.”- Coronavirus: Police called to partying Queenstown backpackers; Newshub

“Why is the message not getting through to this demographic.”- FB commenter

“It’s these idiots that are going to keep us in lock down a lot longer.”- ibid

“Lock the door and supply them with necessities”- ibid

“From the very beginning Jacinda made it abundantly clear STAY HOME SAVE LIVES and if we look for loopholes we just do not under stand plain English.”- ibid

“New Zealanders are enraged after hundreds of University of Otago students attended a large St Patrick’s Day party, just metres from a school forced to close due to a confirmed case of coronavirus COVID-19.”- Coronavirus pandemic: New Zealanders outraged at Otago students hosting huge party amid COVID-19 crisis; Newshub

“‘‘Planning a Covid party with your mates. NO!!,’’ police posted.”-Some ‘idiots’ disobeying rules; ODT

“Judging by the amount of new graffiti that’s on…I’m figuring lockdown means zip to some.- FB post

“Over the weekend a number of young Australians were caught failing to employ social distancing and self-isolation measures, with dozens of people throwing non-compliant house parties across the country.”- Covid 19 coronavirus: Young people warned they are transmitters, risking other lives by not social distancing; NZ Herald

“There’s a house party happening next door. In this environment. Music. Plenty of people in close quarters. Screaming. Perhaps it’s the self-isolation talking, but I’m all for burning the lot of them at the stake.”- Tweet

“Health experts earlier this month warned younger people not to be complacent, and not to think that they wouldn’t get the coronavirus.”- NZ Herald

“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern unleashed on 20-somethings who weren’t taking the coronavirus seriously at her daily press conference today.”¹

Ardern…said young people need to make sure they are not a chain of transmission – she pleaded with young people ignoring the rules to stop putting people’s lives at risk….”I do not want to see the scene of Bondi beach in New Zealand,” she said.”- Covid 19 coronavirus: Jacinda Ardern’s lockdown message – don’t head to the beach (like the Aussies); NZ Herald

The Gen Z (SC) has already done his work, overthrowing the hegemony of the Millennial (VC) by being Honkler incarnate. The finger-wagging SJW must now withdraw from ruler-ship in our culture or else have a nervous breakdown.

Who, then, will come to break up the Zoomers’ party if not VC? Only people who can adapt or already are defaulted to Honour Culture can master this Clown World and force it to represent practical reality again. Gen Z thus go from predators to prey as we will now see unfold; They become the whetstone to sharpen the knife of the new HC man. The children born now will resemble what the Strauss Howe model calls the G.I. Generation (Hero/Civic) (1908-1929) and the Zoomers will be akin to the Lost Generation (Nomad/Reactive) (1886-1909.)

“It’s a job for Generation Z, the ones who have suffered the most from Victimhood Culture Millennials. They will need to be radical because VC really doesn’t want to go when its time is up and will dig in with every lever of power it has. After these nihilistic artistic figures have won the war perhaps they’ll be able to stop being SC though it will remain their default and mark them for life. Their victory short-lived, Honour Culture will roll over them like a mixed metaphor through butter…”- Meet Your New God: Scepticism Culture; NZB3

The AHNZ prediction for 2020 is a duel between Generation Z and Generation Authoritarian. The latter will rise and the former dim under the lash of what will resemble a violent, misogynistic, and militaristic society.

1 If the PM’s information is right, these 20-29-year-olds belong to the Gen Z culture being described. This, even though they are technically the tail end of Millennials Generation; Ref. Coronavirus: Jacinda Ardern unleashes on 20-somethings not taking virus seriously; Stuff

Image ref. Police enforce the dispersal of an illegal large crowd during the Covid 19 outbreak.; New Zealand: History & Natural History; Hippies from the ’60s and ’70s; Facebook

Ref. Millennial Victimhood Culture’s Kids Rebel; NZB3

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.- WOPR, War Games (1983)