January 22, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2021: ACC: “Have a hmmm”

October 3, 2023


“Have a hmmm”

The Government health insurance agency, ACC, is liable every time a New Zealander has an ‘accident’ (though that word is used very liberally.)

As a direct result of being our Big Brother the ACC, of course, tries to limit financial liabilities by using some of its budget to lecture the public about safety.

It was July 2021 when I first viewed this PSA for the first time about a woman being warned by the State not to try to swat a fly least she hurt herself. They lie and say that if she falls her poor young son would have to toilet her when, actually, that would be serviced by ACC.

If you wonder why Big Brother lectures us on how to live one answer is that it’s a result of our appointing him our keeper. This is the same rationale for mass vaccinations and other controlling behavior on the part of the State.

For example, it was a slippery slope from this to mandating multiple jabs for COVID-19.

This Managerialism mentality means that from a given institution’s point of view it’s right and proper that they should manipulate the subject population in order to meet their own targets. These targets are particular to the remit of the given institution so will be things like ‘medication’ rather than health, ‘teaching’ rather than education, and ‘social work’ rather than community.

For example,  beginning in mid-August 2023 the government of New Zealand required “all non-organic bread-making wheat flour, produced or sold in New Zealand, to be fortified with folic acid..” When you put Big Brother in charge of health he gets to force medication into your food. Ref. World Grain.com

For example, “is all New Zealand drinking water fluoridated? No. It’s a decision for each council and their community.” However, with the Government’s play for control of our “Three Waters” (or Ten now?) you can expect Big Brother to take the around “60% of New Zealanders drink fluoridated water” and dose you up to 100. Ref. healthed.govt.nz

Bureaucracy expands to keep up with the needs of an expanding bureaucracy- Isaac Asimov

For example, you put trusted bureaucrats into a position to watch out for “safety” and next thing you know they’re selling us out to the United Nations. And, giving each other shiny perspex trophies for how well they’re doing at it. Ref. 2004: Safe Communities Foundation

You let Big Brother into you life thinking he’s your servant but, as we see, he becomes your master. You pay rates so the government will do a particular job you could have done yourself and it turns you into someone who used to be an agent of change but now must moan and complain to a Boss to get their needs met. Ref. How Government Grows Victimhood Culture, NZB3

These are reasons why we cannot have a State.

Ref. 1972: Accident Compensation Corporation, AHNZ

Note: Cross-posted from NZB3 (2023)


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Don't assume that a cultural norm is also functional.