February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

New Years Tax Bonfire

January 1, 2019


As far as government tax money laundering schemes go I wouldn’t like to choose between road works and fire works.

 “Every time the government spends tax dollars on a program, think: would I kill my kindly, grey haired grandma to secure funding for this?”- P. J. O’Rourke

New Zealand spends about 10% of the national budget on footpaths. Are we obsessed with tiny cracks and perfect planes to perambulate? Nope! It’s a money laundering scheme, a socially acceptable rationale to transfer wealth without people objecting or noticing or caring. A bunch of The Fluro-vested Ones get jobs and to run around doing economically unnecessary work but the point at the end of the day is for some boss at the top of this ‘crapitalism’ heap to skim off a big pile of taxpayer’s stolen loot.

So, as far as government tax money laundering schemes go, I wouldn’t like to choose between road works and fire works.

Both of these activities are done, not for economic reasons, but to dazzle the muggles while their pockets are picked clean. Perhaps it says something about the national character that the misdirection that works best on a New Zealander is civil works and on an Australian is an annual flicking light show?

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Offense cannot be given, it must be taken.