February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

Promoting library expertise and value for teaching Aotearoa NZ’s histories

August 15, 2023


You would not think it a school librarian’s job to convince any of the teachers or departments that they had expertise, knowledge, and value. If they didn’t why did the school build that library and hire that librarian? If they don’t have those abilities fire them! So why is the Department of Internal Affairs running a morning-long seminar, a whole series of seminars in fact, to workshop librarians in being able to do this? For $10.00 a head.

It makes no sense in and of itself, especially in this case of history teaching. Lessons are led by teaching staff not school librarians. The teachers instruct librarians on what resources their students must have access to and expect them to curate and facilitate. So, it’s a cover story for what is really going on. The true idea here is that the Department of Internal Affairs is going to reverse the teacher->librarian relationship by making diciples of school librarians. They will, in turn, promote history-related materials toward the teachers and try to direct the teaching! Librarian->teacher.

The longer version of how the hell this came about is explained in the post 2022: Whiria te Tangata. In short, Labour 6.0 Finance Minister Grant Robertson created a money-print run he called Covid Response and Recovery Fund which was subsequently “re-prioritised” for things that had nothing to do with COVID-19 and that included millions to the Department of Internal Affairs to engage in education projects. Thus, the coming workshop on “Promoting library expertise and value for teaching Aotearoa NZ’s histories” by Amanda Bond will not come from something logical like the Ministry of Education but from the DIA! Ref. Promoting library expertise and value for teaching Aotearoa NZ’s histories, National Library (2023)

We have already met Amanda Bond in that earlier post on AHNZ. She was one of the first attendees of the Department of Internal Affairs short course called ‘Whiria te Tangata’ . Based on the self-reporting of that course all the ‘disciples’ had their Wokism affirmed. Amanda, in particular, seemed to be at pains in her reflections to make sure everybody knows that she knows everything already and didn’t learn anything.

“The weaving continues, Amanda Bond Amanda’s reflections on the course come over as if written by ChatGTP. I don’t think the course stretched her at all because she already had a rubber brain ready to go along with anything while secretly thinking she may as well be in charge because she knows it all. If Communist Chinese took over New Zealand she’s the sort of person who would adapt to the new overlords and get a job overseeing chopsticks instructors over our dead bodies.” – AHNZ review of Bond’s own exit-assignment on Whiria te Tangata

“The Anarchist History of New Zealand is not compulsory. You are here because you want to be here. It is not funded by The State and never will be. Please support this page by letting me know what you think and sharing it around because the competition just got a shot of nasty Government steroids.” – 2015: “Teaching Critical History in Schools”, AHNZ

“The more The State tightens its grip as the One Source of History the more reactionary the kids will be toward what they’re being brainwashed with. Many will tune out entirely and history will have a bad name. Others will look for something else and seek what they’re not being told by doing their own research about New Zealand events. The Government can’t shut down search engines and websites can they? They might end up visiting the Anarchist History of New Zealand. ANZH and AHNZ are so similar aren’t they? Bazinga.” – 2023: Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories (ANZH) curriculum, AHNZ

As I say, the pretense that librarians need a workshop in how to promote library resources to teachers is flimsy. What’s really going on is that Woke librarians are willingly being used to carry forward a political agenda into schools by looping around teachers and the Ministry of Education. I’m sure the State-sponsored and compulsory ‘Aotearoa NZ’s Histories’ is being pressured on kids in all sorts of ways along with this one. It’s a subversion of what a librarian is there for which is to serve their school not promote Labour 6.0 policy. One of the clever things about it is that the true clients, students and parents, do not get to choose or influence librarians the way they do the school librarian. They’re a force all their own and much less accountable and visible than the teachers. That is why, no doubt, the Department of Internal Affairs has decided on this particular vector of delivery system for the compulsory history revisionism.

3 thoughts on "Promoting library expertise and value for teaching Aotearoa NZ’s histories"

  1. John Hurley says:

    Ring up the Platform

    1. AHNZ says:

      This is the platform, thanks.

  2. Pingback: Anarkiwi

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: No individual raindrop considers itself responsible for the flood.