1898: Methodist Chapel West Auckland
June 13, 2019

You can count on a Methodist to build a church where others would have been content to get by with a barn or a community hall. The Wesleyan brand relied upon bright and shiny, temporal, things to attract a congregation. Religion for people with low attention spans; For the body not the soul, in my opinion.

Booze hags, fat slags, fill me up on blow and skag
You like bottles in a bag, I like girly slice yeahGlory Glory, Hallelujah, just like knife, it cuts right through ya
Glory Glory, Hallelujah, just like a lie, I see right through ya

Other posts about Methodists
- 1844: No shortage of Coquettish Wenches
- 1861: Hauhau
- 1883: Utakura
- 1930s: I’m envious of Uncle Scrim
- 1941: Riverside
image ref. Chapel, Auckland Historical Society
image ref. Chapel in 2019, AHNZ archive
image ref. Clips from HALA music video
Update December 2019: Added image with the historical information sign
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Anarchist History of New Zealand: The State cheats the deluded people with a show of liberty which yet they never must taste
I need a chapel for Sunday service. Please could you help. Thank you
Sure bud. Which god do you worship and what region will you be in on Sunday?