March 28, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

1898: Methodist Chapel West Auckland

June 13, 2019


Christmas Day 1898, Henderson, West Auckland: Wesleyan Methodist Chapel open for business. The first church building in Henderson district.
You can count on a Methodist to build a church where others would have been content to get by with a barn or a community hall. The Wesleyan brand relied upon bright and shiny, temporal, things to attract a congregation. Religion for people with low attention spans; For the body not the soul, in my opinion.
Rightly so, then, Kiwi band ‘Head Like A Hole’ used this chapel in 2011 for the ‘Glory Glory (Hallelujah)’ music video.
Booze hags, fat slags, fill me up on blow and skag
You like bottles in a bag, I like girly slice yeah
Glory Glory, Hallelujah, just like knife, it cuts right through ya
Glory Glory, Hallelujah, just like a lie, I see right through ya
It’s a song about a trashy guy broken up with a trashy girl all under the mesmerism of religion’s facade. He sees right though the bullshit but is too shallow not to be pulled along by it like a puppet on a string. Likewise, the video shows a young woman being corrupted by ‘The undomesticated animal of NZ rock’ under the false-advertising and pretence of a Christian service.
I think that’s a taste of what the cultural and spiritual state of Henderson had come to by the late 1890s too. The Waitemata electorate shifted from electing K-selected men like Thomas Henderson and William Massey to within an inch of giving a majority to the Liberals. Like Thomas, Bill Massey wanted a locality named after himself too. When he came to power the old Lawsonville was re-named (1915) to Massey. However, with the 1890s Lefties getting a bit thick on the ground, Farmer Bill shot through to make South Auckland his electoral base. That worked out very well and he became Prime Minister, leaving West Auckland to the Lefties.
Other posts about Methodists


image ref. Chapel, Auckland Historical Society

image ref. Chapel in 2019, AHNZ archive

image ref. Clips from HALA music video

Update December 2019: Added image with the historical information sign

2 thoughts on "1898: Methodist Chapel West Auckland"

  1. Pita Tanile says:

    I need a chapel for Sunday service. Please could you help. Thank you

    1. AHNZ says:

      Sure bud. Which god do you worship and what region will you be in on Sunday?

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: The State cheats the deluded people with a show of liberty which yet they never must taste