February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

2010s: Baby Boomer Self-Entitlement

November 11, 2019


Rob Rattenbury, or “Rats” as he calls himself, is getting a bit defensive in his latest Baby Boomer Entitlement Press Release.

The Boomers. They burned the world down, spent up what their fathers had given them and then went on to spend against the wealth of the unborn children and grandchildren. They refuse to die and refuse to pass on the torch to the next generation/s. Listen to this man try to justify it. They always do that…


  • “You call us ‘rich old baby boomers’, but we deserve everything we’ve got”
  • “Your time will come soon enough, and I really hope you can become as self-indulgent as I am now.”
  • “We do not do Pak’n Save, it feels a bit common…”
  • “I will load our new car with bins..”
  • “We usually talk about our investments, latest international travel plans, the cost of bloody travel insurance…”
  • “I like to keep an eye on Parliament just to make sure my employees are doing their job. “
  • “This all sounds very self-indulgent and yes, it is. You know why? I spent 47 years…This does not count the..very stressful …bastard Muldoon”
  • “..atomic annihilation…crazy wars…bloody Americans.”

Standard Boomer rhetoric.

In the Strauss Howe Chronology, Boomers are identified as a prophetic or idealistic generation born in about the years 1946-64. Hence, their retirement years started kicking in from about 2011 (though NZ lags behind a bit from the USA-based Strauss Howe.) In his elderly life cycle phase the Boomer has become massively entitled and self-absorbed as the above comments show.

They literally think that they, not future generations, are the only ones that matter..

OK Boomer!

Some of the posts on AHNZ about Boomers…



Ref. You call us ‘rich old baby boomers’, but we deserve everything we’ve got; Stuff

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Anarchist History of New Zealand: I could buzz around like a Beehive boy, but I'd like to see you do my job!