February 23, 2025 - The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think.

Lepidoptera Zealandia

July 23, 2020


The history of New Zealanders and their culture is also the history of their language, English. New Zealand English is a special offshoot of what I refer to as the same ‘Mothership’ the Americans, Canadians, Australians, South Africans etc exited during different times and circumstances. Each colony was a photocopy of the original Mothership, Britain, but this source document was itself developing. Developing like any organism, for example, a butterfly (aka Lepidoptera.) So, Americans are a copy of C17th Britain and New Zealanders a copy of what Britain had become by the C19th. Now you must also add to that mixture the multiple waves of immigration spicing the first colonists which included people who were already here, Maoris¹.

If the Americas got a photocopy of Lepidoptera Britainia in a caterpillar stage then the picture had advanced to a butterfly by the time it was re-copied and sent to populate New Zealand. The whole picture was colourful and diverse and huge, it had to be broken up into pieces and sent on multiple immigrant ships. Nor was the picture re-assembled in just one place. Some of the butterfly picture went to Otago, some to Auckland, some to Canterbury, some to Cook Straight.

Initially these different body parts of the New Zealand butterfly (Lepidoptera Zealandia) each had their own culture and accents and self-direction. They did not remain the body parts that had been severed from Lepidoptera Britainia and shipped off separately. Each part had the inner resources to organise itself as its own whole organism so that around New Zealand sprang up a patchwork of new subspecies. Each had their own churches, own midwives, own newspapers, own leaders, own songs, own libraries, own accents and jargon, own industries, own militia, own landscape, own hospitals, own community halls, own parks, own religions, own specialities, own schools, own holidays, own parades, own values.

Over time each unique people became more and more centralised. Government ate up communities, then those Governments were eaten up in turn by even larger Governments (eg  Auckland Supercity was once 27 different little Governments.) A nation of communities has become a network of institutions. Currently some 25% of all remaining Local Government has already been taken over by the United Nations. Remember, these Local Governments have themselves already gobbled up and amalgamated numerous smaller settlements and towns and boroughs in quiet little genocides.

It seems that from the moment The State came to New Zealand it tried to put all the pieces of Lepidoptera Britainia back together again. It tried defining us as New Ulster and New Munster. It tried defining us as Roads Boards then increasingly forced these bodies to morph into organs of the state with political baggage. These were gobbled up by vast fiefdoms called Provinces, and then even these were abolished and centralised. While destroying all that is local and community, The State styles itself in the branding of being ‘Localism’. The State pays for propaganda advertisements to fool you into thinking its local branch offices are not part of the State at all!

‘Long ago the country bore the country-town and nourished it with her best blood. Now the giant city sucks the country dry…’- Spengler

“The history of New Zealand is the history of real living grassroots communities slowly being absorbed into bigger and bigger entities. As they are absorbed into the great goo collective their individual voices and values are wiped out to be replaced by a more and more centralised control.” – 2010s: Local Papers Die

“By referring to Central Government as ‘the Beehive’ and Local Government as ‘Localism’ and dropping the .govt from their URL, The State think they’ve got you tricked.”- Localism; NZB3

The Lepidoptera Zealandia that emerges from Government interference is a homogenised, centralised, animal. While pretending to champion diversity, The State crushes all the wonderful different peoples of the nation and tries to make them all the same. They’ll have the same newspaper to read, the same radio station to listen to, the same news from one TV station. Local schools will be, already are being, collectivised into blocs of communal administration². Community’s hospitals swallowed up by District Health Boards (DHBs) are set to be swallowed up in turn by even tighter control, community’s polytechs have already been broken down and melted into one indistinct blob of same-same…

“The report recommends that over five years the number of DHBs reduce from 20 to either 12 or 8.”- Proposed DHB reforms may waste a once in a generation chance to improve health system; Stuff, June 2020

“The Reform of Vocational Education bill was passed into law in Parliament in February…Under the change, the country’s 16 polytechnics are to merge into a single entity called the New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (NZIST).”- National will undo Government’s tertiary reforms if elected; Stuff, July 2020

Only Anarchists stand against this process. Everyone else is simply fighting for the ring of power to try to make sure that their particular way of life is the one that takes over all others. Whose newspaper will beat our One News? Whose values? Whose education style will rule over the One School?  What books will we throw our or keep in the One Library? What medicines and procedures will prevail at the One Hospital? To abort or not to abort? Which of the Maori languages will be the official Te Reo and which ones will fade away in quiet genocide? Who will colonise who? Whose dialect will be deleted on live radio, its users mocked?

“Little Shoal Bay was the only swimming place Northcote had left and now they’ve taken that away too,’ says Mrs Logie, who has lived in the area for more than 30 years. “We don’t know why they’ve done it.’
Queen St resident Anne Du Temple agrees. “It’s the smallest of the new suburbs. I’m concerned it will eventually just drop off the map altogether,’ says the 71-year-old, who has lived in the area since 1939.”- WIPED OFF THE MAP?; NZ Herald (2008)

Part of the reason for Lepidoptera Zealandia is that its people wanted a place to stand. It was getting hard to keep their own community intact in the home country so they migrated in order to stay together and raise their children with their own values. What they tried to escape has followed them here and is digesting them all into what The State itself depicts as a featureless glob of forked orange goop! A far cry from the self-image we had when Project New Zealand started up.

“New Zealand voter ends up being represented by an amorphous orange blob – one that stirs precisely zero national sentiment in the viewer.”VGM (2018)

These battles not to be snuffed out, deleted, and replaced are fought all the time. Only Anarchist History can tell such stories because State History will un-remember those who have been amalgamated and assimilated into the orange goo. There is no place in the One History (which Labour 6.0 seeks to make compulsory ‘learning’ in their One School) for remembering the quiet genocides.

1 The greatest migration from ‘Maoriland’ to New Zealand occurred in the 1960s; Ref. The Second Great Migration 

2 National 5.0 had this well under way, Labour 6.0 tried very hard but failed. Nikki Kaye would have bullied it along but her departure is a reprieve from an Commissariat of Education Control for the time being

Image ref. NZ flag butterfly; jeffbartels; Teepublic

Ref. 1989: An Amalgamated Visage Lies


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Anarchist History of New Zealand: Ideas wont go to jail